Plane 4.1.0 beta

The CRSF implementation of flight mode is simply AP_Notify::get_flight_mode_str() so that would have to be wrong for this to be broken. Maybe @yaapu does something different for passthrough?

For the failsafe I get an RC fail if I turn off my transmitter, are you saying that there is no detection of a lost transmitter at all?

@RizHass @tridge my widget also supports PX4 flightmodes when configured to do so, I’m pretty sure you have the “Enable PX4 flightmodes” option turned on in the config menu, PX4 is not ArduPilot :slight_smile:
This is reinforced by the fact that FBWA is plane mode 5 which in the PX4 mapping I use is RAttitude, so no issues here on the ArduPilot side!

Hi Andy, in passthrough we send the flight mode number and frame type number and it’s the widget to do the actual mode name lookup

@andyp1per, failsafe is not triggering when I turn off my transmitter. Any suggestion?

@yaapu, Px4 turned off on the wedges, problem solved.
But still no failsafe (RTL) after transmitter turned off.

I just loaded Plane 4.1 beta on a Durandal with a CRSF Nano RX connected - turned off the receiver and immediately got a failsafe, Make sure your TX is on before you power on the flight controller and RX and maybe try upgrading the TBS firmware.

@andyp1per, I upgraded to the latest CRSF FW, but still same problem. When the transmitter (RadioMaster) is turned off, the FC does not trigger RTL.

There has to be some parameter not set correctly. On all my other planes never had to change anything to trigger rtl when radio signal was lost.

What does the RC page on mission planner show when you switch your TX off?

Also how is your RX configured and can you post your parameters?

And finally do you have the RX connected to a DMA-enabled serial port?

@andyp1per, Not sure what you mean by “RC Page” but on the mission planner flight mode page it shows FBWA.

My RX Confg:
mode = 8ch
telemetry = on
rf profile = dynamic
failsafe mode = fs. pos.
rc by mavlink = on
rx batt sensor = on
output map
output1 = crsf tx
output2 = crsf rx
output3 = ch3
output4 = ch4
output5 = bst scl
output6 = bst sda

Parameters at this link

Switch off RC by mavlink

Also the only serial port on that board with full DMA is SERIAL2/UART1 - you need to use that for CRSF

Set the failsafe mode to cut .

Hope this helps.

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@VRquaeler, thanks for the tip, setting failsafe mode to CUT fix the problem.

@andyp1per, I am using UART6/Serial7 and it is working. Lastly what is DMA means?

CRSF operates at 416kbaud which means you will get a lot of errors and spurious failsafes if you don’t use a UART that has DMA (Direct Memory Access)

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Direct Memory Access. The data is passed directly between the serial port and memory without having the processor need to do the work. That frees up the processor for other more important tasks and speeds the data transfer. DMA becomes more important as the amount of data to be moved increases, or high processor loading limits the amount of time it would have available for the task.

Ports without DMA require the processor to read each byte from the port, then write it to memory, or vice versa.

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Quick question if the plane completes autotune successfully on a windy day and on a different day the wind conditions are better, if I repeat the process will it start over or will fine tune the previous tune?
Thank you.

@andyp1per, I have searched Matek F765 manual and did not find any port (UART) designated as DMA. As mentioned before, I am using Rx6/Tx6 with serial 7 and it is working but I do see on the Yappu screen during initialization warning that UART is not a DMA.

I switch to Rx1/Tx1 (UART1) and changed parameters on Serial2 _Protocol = 23. Disabled BRD_ALT_Config = 0 so Serial 7 is completely removed. Doing all this, I have no telemetry and RC control.
Serial2_option is set to 0. and RC_option is 258.

solved! I had to change the RC_Option from 258 to 256 and reboot.

it starts from the old tune, but does initially reduce gains as part of the tuning process

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@andyp1per For example, where is it documented on the Matek F765-Wing which UART has DMA access? The ArduPilot wiki explicitly states that UART6 / SERIAL7 supports all RC protocols. So also CRSF. If you think it should be better SERIAL2, then that MUST be clearly documented and not bog down in some discussion. I myself also use SERIAL7, have the DMA message, but otherwise no problems with the RC connection.

@tridge about my pitot, here you are: