Give a try to 4.0.6 beta 1.
Seems ok, auto mission for takeoff ok, tried for a small amount of time autotune and then as I have had a video issue I switched to cruise mode. I was not looking to fix my issue and the plane crashed in a tree in a small hill. Terrain follow was enable and map was download with the before flight. I am not very familiar with log analysis and was not able to check if something went wrong and if terrain follow correctly worked.
thanks very much for reporting this. The terrain system was trying to download terrain data from your GCS but it failed to do so. It didn’t have any terrain data, so didn’t follow terrain.
The real bug was that there was no arming check failure for the lack of terrain data when you had TERRAIN_FOLLOW=1. I have fixed that ready for the next beta. My apologies for that bug. You should have had an arming failure.
I hope the plane survived!
Cheers, Tridge
thanks @tridge for your analysis.
That’s weird because I put all the .DAT file on the SDCARD manually and I’m sure that the area was covered. Maybe some files are corrupted. I will try with the beta2 to see if arming check reports a warning with the same setting.
Also what I was wondering, could it be an issue if terrain spacing is set to 50 on the FC and 100 in the .DAT file ?
1/ Upgrade from beta 1 to 4.0.06b2.
2/ Arming check warning about terrain waiting for data.
3/ Re download the same area with the last python script and copy the fresh data to SD.
4/ Arming check all good.
Thanks for adding this to the arming check list !
Is it possible that the behaviors for LGR_OPTIONS has been changed yet again? Maybe a behind the scenes rebase from copter? (like from here:
Remember you fixed it a few months ago in PR, so we started using option 2. Now it is only deploying, not retracting.
although TUNE_PARAM set to Roll_PI…it appears to be changing Pit_PI and reporting as such in the message log…there is even a param save, but nothing actually changed from my param before the flight when I compared back on the bench…twilight zone time…
Didn’t get an answer in the ardupilot on planes forum so I’ll ask here:
What is the recommended setting is for compass_learn on a new matek F765 build running arduplane 4.06 beta2? I just installed a new BN880 (replaced my BN220 just because I had one and I like to tinker) in my mini-talon and was going through the settings and searching on this parameter I didn’t find any definitive answer.
Answered by Atx_Heli in the arduplane forum:
the default, which is none…only inflight can actually be used, the others are experimental…and only inflight if you cant possibly pick up the vehicle to do the compass calibration rotation “dance”, and even then the Large Vehicle Mag Cal section of the wiki is the preferred method…
Advanced User marked parameters should only be changed from default if you are one, and therefore know what they really do