I wanted to try your ArduPlane 3.9.9 beta 2 but had to give up since it still doesn’t implement (as also 3.9.8) the very useful serial options which allows to use the Frsky passthrough protocol without requiring any of those DIY/Propriatery external HW converter crutches .
As of now those serial options are only available when using V3.10.0-dev.
So ,when can one expect to have them implemented with a beta and ultimately a stable version ?
Sorry that I had not written anything about beta2: Several hours flight time with 3.9.9beta2 worked without any abnormalities (F405Wing: Manual, FBWA, CRUISE, AUTO).
I hope to be able to fly a lot with the 3.9.9beta3 at the weekend and will report.
Thank you so much for all the time and effort you put into the project. I so appreciate all the work that goes into continued development of this open source project. It is at a level that I cannot begin to understand. I did, at least, want to thank you for your work
I have now released the final version of plane 3.9.9. Many thanks to everyone who did testing!
The final release has two additional patches over beta4:
fixed setting file timestamps with u-blox F9 GPS (thanks to Martin Sollie)
fixed return value of LightWare serial rangefinder driver when out of range
@tridge thanks again for all the effort and continuous improvement!
one thing i’ve been desperately waiting for in release type fwares for quite a while now is external baro support. imho it’s a neat feature with a lot of possible benefits.
your fabulous external baro support PR https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/pull/9258 has been added to master a year ago and it’s been working flawlessly on all my setups ever since. honestly, i shed a couple of tears when i realized it hasn’t made it into plane once again. i’m not sure if adding crying face emojis is appropriate for people above 20 years of age in a technical context?
sorry for not back-porting this. I was actually planning to start a beta soon based on master. It would be quite a long beta period, but I think we are long overdue for a release based on master