Pixhawk, PPM module and RC receiver power up issue

I can’t run MP and MavProxy at the same time, right? I get the following error:


You don’t have RC input enabled on any other port do you?

Serial 5 protocol is -1, Serial 3 protocol is 5, Serial 1 and 2 protocol are 1 and Serial 0 protocol is 2

Here is the file created by MavProxy on my parameters. Do you need anything else?

Thank you

mav.parm (28.3 KB)

Here is a debug build:

let’s see if it prints anything. You will need to use mavproxy to see the output.
If you see any output there will be a lot of it, just send me a few lines. You will only get output if your TX is on and bound to the RX.

If no output we will try something else.


I updated the Pixhawk with the debug build and here is the output:

Also I’m including the MP firmware update screen to provide you more info about my board.

Thank you

It’s just reading zeros. I wonder if the RX has switched into some PWM mode. Presumably you don’t have an FTDI adapter?

No I don’t. I do have the USB to RC receiver used for upgrading the firmware. That’s all

I think the HH folk have pinpointed the issue: https://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showpost.php?p=44453927&postcount=784

I’ll try and cook up a patch that addresses this.

That’s great news. I wonder if this also affected the operation when trying to use the PPM encoder.


Ok here is a guess, still with debug on. Let’s see if it gets any further:

Andy, after updating the firmware there is an IO bootloader error as the LED is solid.

That sounds familiar. I think trying to write to the UART while booting causes all sorts of problems. Are you able to flash back to a working version?

Yes, I just did and it works. I’m using the original firmware without debug that you sent yesterday

Ok let me construct something that at least doesn’t crash on my pixhawk with the RX I have

Ok same dropbox debug location - this version does not crash for me. There was a nullptr issue in the last one.

The FMU LED bootloader is flashing and the IO one is solid. Can’t get it to boot.

I hate those nullptr issues.

Tried this a couple of times. Boots fine, detects SRXL2. Try flashing without the TX on.


It’s boots fine. This is the output in Mavproxy.

I hear a sound like something is getting disconnected after the power up. This used to be the case when I was using the PPM. Then, when I plug the PPM and then the AR620 I would hear the happy sound. Just hope this info helps.

Can you try connecting mavproxy as soon as the USB driver is initialized? You should be able to see earlier startup messages.

I have some more info from my HH friends. I will modify my patch on that basis.