Pixhawk IO Bricked

I’m pretty new to the whole autopilot thing, and on a tight budget.
I have been struggling for days to get my transmitter to get calibrated in Qgc ‘0 channels found error’ (Using a Frsky transmitter and receiver thru a Cuav 8 channel ppm encoder, this setup works 100% on a friend’s Pixhawk)
And the IO leds are lit as follows ( Attached is a photo of leds)

Is ass if all io are disabled.
I can access the Pixhawk true Mission planner and Qgc and all on board sensors work but can’t seem to add external GPS and Compas. This leads me to think the IO part is ‘Bricked’

All software and firmware up to date
Tried ArduPlane, ArduCopter

Thanks in advance

Loaded Pixhawk1 firmware?
Exactly what receiver have you got?
What GPS unit?
A photo of the GPS connected?
And what do you have in the Messages tab of MissionPlanner

What Frsky Rx is it that requires an encoder?

I flashed the Fmuv2 firmware
Using a Frsky V8RNll receiver
Don’t have the GPS with me

I just did a reflash and now get a

“Config Error : Faild to update IO Firmware”

Wrong firmware. Flash what Shawn suggested. Unless it’s an oldie that requires Pixhawk1-1M. fmuv2 is wrong no matter what.
I haven’t heard mention of one of those Receivers in many years. A new Rx probably cost less than the encoder…

I bought the Pixhawk and a bunch of different parts with for a Bargin and got the encoder with that and had the receiver from a previous project

Still the same problem when I use Pixhawk 1 firmware

According to Qgc I have the Fmuv2 version and need to use that :person_shrugging:

Use Mission Planner. Fmuv2 is incorrect for any pixhawk. It’s either Pixhawk1-1M for 1Mb boards, Pixhawk1 for 2Mb boards or fmuv3 for the newest pieces of junk from China with 1 IMU.

I have now flashed all possible firmware with 0 luck, I now get the Config Error: Failed to update IO Firmware each time.

Try this? Page to the end.
IO firmware load