Pixhawk Hexacopter Issues

Hello I am trying to build a hexacopter with Pixhawk, and today tried a test flight ,while taking off it tipped off to the nose , so I would like people here to look in the log to help me found the cause.

Thank you2017-10-05 01-28-21.bin (182.6 KB)
2017-10-05 01-28-21.log (373.5 KB)

Are you sure you have the motor order correct?

This shows motors 3 and 5 going high followed by 1 and 2.
In a Hex X configuration this would be the front 2 motors followed by the centre 2 motors.
Motors 4 and 6 hardly move.

This would have resulted in the copter flipping backwards, not forwards.
Is the Pixhawk mounted the right way round?