Pixhawk hexacopter crash

Sure sir I’ll definitely check…
Thankyou for your seamless response… please be in touch with us for further queries

Installed firmware Pixhawk 1
all calibrations done till above mentioned…
external compass not used…
these are messages…
neglect battery and safety switch…

Compass 2 … if you don’t have it then it’s a parameter error. Turn off compass 2, and whatever other compasses you don’t have.

AHRS … The drone doesn’t have a GPS lock yet. If you’re inside or don’t have clear sky view then it’s expected. Also, based on the battery warning, some setups don’t power the GPS off USB, you’ll need to be on battery.

Sure sir I’ll check with that thanks for your seamless supports

Hello, as I said before the drone suddenly raised to higher altitude and flipped and then then fell down… At that time due to RC off and burst current the power module was damaged and couldn’t draw the current from the battery… So the battery readings are showing around 10.8v

This more or less looks like one of the following.

1- Faulty Power Module.
2- Radio not calibrated
3- Transmitter gimbals faulty.
4- FC mounting not vibration damped

RC Calibrated
Power module was good
Transmitter is proper
FC is mounted on vibration damper

There is 5V on servo rails. Normally if you power the FC from dedicated power module, only two wires are needed from speed controllers…signal and ground.

By transmitter, I mean did you perform radio calibration in MP?

Power module connection is good
And radio calibration was done in MP