Pixhawk & Analog Airspeed sensor


I’m helping someone install an analog airspeed sensor with the pixhawk, the wiki says:
The “airspeed” pin 15 is located on a 3 pin DF13 connector on the Pixhawk board.
This pin can take voltages up to 6.6V (it has an internal voltage divider).

The analog airspeed sensor does not have a DF13 connector, but instead a servo cable. So - the only way to connect the analog sensor is to butcher a DF13 cable and splice it to the servo cable? that seems odd! No way to connect the sensor to one of the normal servo style connectors on the pixhawk?



I’m helping someone install an analog airspeed sensor with the pixhawk, the wiki says:
The “airspeed” pin 15 is located on a 3 pin DF13 connector on the Pixhawk board.
This pin can take voltages up to 6.6V (it has an internal voltage divider).

The analog airspeed sensor does not have a DF13 connector, but instead a servo cable. So - the only way to connect the analog sensor is to butcher a DF13 cable and splice it to the servo cable? that seems odd! No way to connect the sensor to one of the normal servo style connectors on the pixhawk?


Those old analog sensors were designed for the APM 1.0 and 2.0. They were not very good, had lots of noise and temperature drift. I would recommend upgrading to digital. You can use the same airspeed probe.

If you really want to use it with a Pixhawk you will have to make a custom cable. Just replace the entire cable and solder the new cable to the airspeed circuit board. I have never seen anyone do that but theoretically it should work.



Would be nice if that information was listed in the wiki - ie: analog sensor not recommended with the pixhawk :confused:

I still use the analog sensors and find they work very well. I have used both and really don’t notice a difference in the logs.

I am using an analog temp sensor where i want voltage input from a voltage divider [how ever current input is also fine if u suggest a way to do it], so how to get the voltage from that circuit using ADC using Lua script ??
do u know what kind of code i must implement.

visit this link to know further details, u can answer me there.