Pixhawk 6C ODID Compatability

We have found that we need to configure Remote ID for our purposes, and were hoping to do that by building ODID firmware for our Pixhawk 6C along with the Holybro Remote ID module. However, when trying to follow the instructions to do this, we got blocked on the step to build the firmware for our Pixhawk. The Ardupilot repo only has options for Pixhawk 6C, 6X, 6X-ODID, but not 6C-ODID, which is what we would need (options were taken from the folders available here: ardupilot/libraries/AP_HAL_ChibiOS/hwdef at master · ArduPilot/ardupilot · GitHub).
Is ODID firmware not compatible with Pixhawk 6C? I could not find anything indicating this online, but not sure if I missed something.
Thank you in advance