Hello, I got a problem, I have high vibration level in accx and etc, and drone not working fine, wondering, how peoples damping that one, I will add file you will se by your self, thanks in advance. 00000033.BIN | Files.fm.
Read section 1.1 of the How to methodically configure and tune any ArduCopter
Post pictures of the vehicle.
Post pictures of how the FC is mounted to the vehicle
There you go, already readed maybe 5 times. this is not first our copter, I understand the basics. we have been reading forum for whole few weeks. to tuning he doest react, the IMU is above +3 and -3 hugely. Z too. After notch filter it doesnt even takeoff normally, notch filter have 2 lines, smaller and bigger, now the first have huge amplitude, with notch vibrations even higher.
Considering the large amount of incorrectly set parameters on your other X11 build I will kindly ask you to follow the procedure:
- Update to ArduPilot Metodic Configurator 0.6.4 or newer.
- Use the X11Plus template and create a set of *.param files for this other vehicle
- Correct all information in the component editor, and update the parameter values and the reasons changed
- zip the files and post them here.