Strange discovery when attempting to run 8 DShot esc’s from a Pixhawk 4; no signal output from channels 5-8. The 8 channel breakout is connected to the “FMU PWM OUT” port. Ports 1-4 work fine and output a clean signal (observed on oscilliscope). Tried setup parameters for hex and octo and still only 4 outputs work. ESC’s used are APD 120A F3
MOT_PWM_TYPE: 4-7 all tested
SERVOX_FUNCTION: 1-8 disabled
SERVOX_FUNCTION: 9-16 set as motor 1,2… etc
RELAY_PIN: Disabled
RPM_PIN: Disabled
Tried quad params with servo functions 13-16 (AUX5-8) as motor 1,2 etc also; Nothing
Also tried auxilary power to no avail.
If anyone has wisdom to cast on this subject, that would be heroic.
I have just tried to set SERVO_BLH_OTYPE to DShot300 to match MOT_PWM_TYPE and setup for HEX but unfortunately this did not make a difference. Note that I have SERVO_BLH_MASK and SERVO_BLH_AUTO disabled as by default. Thanks for the suggestion none the less.
Hi Sean glad you got it working. Good to know that it is possible. I just tried what you suggested though and it did not make a difference for me. Did you change anything else?