Pixhawk 2.4.8 + X8R + TX16S telemetery not working

I have installed the DBG yaapu telemetry widget 2.0 in my TX16s

updated the X8R to the X8R_ACCST_2.1.0_FCC.frk

bind the radio using Frskyx2 D16 1CH-16CH

connect the cable bellow like in the pic: ( pic not represent my unit) only to see the Pixhawk model, cable and the RX

I istalled arduplane V4.5.7

and using Telmetery2 port

serial2_protocol 10
serial2_options 7
serial2_baud 57

I see sensors telemetry page
but there is no telemetry on the Yaapu front page.

Am I missing anything here?
Thank you
