Pixhawk 2.4.8 (clone) and problems with copter firmware above 3.2.1


I’ve added a new PDB but I’m not noticing any difference at all. However, in my haste to calibrate the ESCs, I forgot to power on/power off, so the sequence was THR max > power on > yellow LED > throttle down > musical beeps and then the motors spin up and down correctly with the throttle, but no change when restarted and running through the Pix.

Running calibration in auto and semi auto is exactly the same as before.

I’m beginning to think that somewhere in the software is a change that’s not compatible with the current batch of clone boards out there and the Chinese haven’t updated them to work with the new firmware. My Pix is probably about a year old, but I’ve only just started on the build so I’ve no idea whether this has been an issue from the start.

I buy clones when times are tight and genuine when I’m more flush, but I’m loath to spend three times as much as a clone on a genuine Pix. I can’t find anywhere in the UK that sells the boards without the power module, buzzer, button etc. I’ve got all those bits in abundance and I’d rather save a few quid and not buy any more.

This has now turned into a bit of a rant so I’ll stop here :angry: