Pitch Autotune does not yield good result

I am trying to improve tuning of a Quadcopter running Copter-4.4.2 using Autotune.
I have set throttle-based notch filters and also performed QuickTune lua script before proceeding with the autotune. According to me the filters are doing well in removing the Gyro noise.

The autotune in roll axis produces a good output whereas the autotune in pitch axis take much more time to find an optimum value for the Angle P gains. I have performe autotune in Pitch multiple times at different aggressiveness values but still I get Angle P value < 4.5
What could be the problem?
@amilcarlucas I would be very pleased if you can have a look at this.
Here is a link to the Log with Autotune:

@Shubham_Saboo I just re-tuned a vehicle yesterday using the ArduPilot Methodic Configurator 0.5.1 software. I got:

  • roll P = 36 (maximum achievable is 36)
  • pitch P = 36 (maximum achievable is 36)
  • yaw P = 28 (maximum achievable is 36)

The results are included in the Diatone taycan MXC template of that software.

So, the method works and the results speak for themselves.
I will not review (for free) vehicles that have not been tuned with the software. It’s just a waist of my time. And in my humble opinion it is a waist of your time to not use it.

Got it @amilcarlucas. Thanks for the advice. Surely, I will spend more time using the configurator.