Hello to everybody,
I’m trying to drive a vehicle based on a pendulum, controlled for navigation by a Pixhawk 2.1 and the Ardurover 4.0.
For the stabilization of the periodic pendulum oscillations I intend to use an external processor programmed with an algorithm based on the real-time PIDS and PIDA information, produced inside the Pixhawk and already recorded in the SD binary log (…and maybe also some other parameters to be defined during the test).
To route the PID information to the external algorithm I thought to use the TLOG channel through the Mavproxy present in the connected RPI. From the documentation I haven’t found if/how the PID information can be accessible from (or streamed to) the telemetry, so my problem is:
There is any way to access from Dronekit (or any other library) and in real time the PID information?
Or, there are other techniques to access those information?
Thank You in advance.