PID tunning help

Be so kind and can you help me with the PID tunning. I made auto tune flights and from my point of view PIDs should be more agressive. I dont know what are the ardupilot limits and procedure (I just know how to tune PIDs in Betaflight). I tried to use PID review tool but I dont know why I cannt see PID step response. I have 10” Aura frame.

Log is here

It looks like you did everything right to me. That frame must be rock solid which is a nice place to start for ease of Arducopter tuning. The tune is pretty tight for thrashing the sticks as you are.
One point that won’t make any difference here but can is it will not learn a hover throttle below 0.125. So with high thrust/weight craft like this it’s best to set MOT_THST_HOVER from the log (Ctun<ThO) and set the PSC parameters based on this from that as well. in this case it’s close enough (~0.12) to what you have set, just an FYI.

Thank you - i set up mot_thst_hover=0.12.

I just dont understand why i can not see data in pid step response tool. I would like to know step response curve.

Is it possible recommend which psc parameters and how should I setup? I just set up psc_accz_i = 2xmot_thst_hover and psc_accz_p = mot_thst_hover