Pause Resume of a mission

Hello everybody,
I would like to pause a mission (in auto mode) and then resume the mission.
I found the MAVLINK command, MAV_CMD_OVERRIDE_GOTO, that does the continue / resume mission. But this command is not supported (MAV_RESULT = 3).
My flight_sw_version message is:
{‘mavpackettype’: ‘AUTOPILOT_VERSION’, ‘capabilities’: 64495, ‘flight_sw_version’: 67110911, ‘middleware_sw_version’: 0, ‘os_sw_version’: 0, ‘board_version’: 0, ‘flight_custom_version’: [48, 98, 98, 49, 56, 97, 49, 0], ‘middleware_custom_version’: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], ‘os_custom_version’: [100, 52, 102, 99, 101, 56, 52, 0], ‘vendor_id’: 0, ‘product_id’: 0, ‘uid’: 0}

How can I use it? Is there any other useful command?
Thanks for your help!

For now, it is not supported. There is a pull request of mine to support MAV_CMD_PAUSE_CONTINUE in auto mode for copter. It is waiting for approval. I will also add support for guided mode and also support this command in other vehicle types. It is a good idea to work with override goto, too. Copter: Add support for pausing and continuing auto missions by mustafa-gokce · Pull Request #19317 · ArduPilot/ardupilot · GitHub