Passthrough telemetry over CRSF (crossfire)

Thanks. I’m sure I’ve tried all settings and swopping TX/RX around but to no avail. Unable to see GPS sensors and not sure what else I can check

Hello Alex…/

Please help me…
Radiomaster boxer, er8 receiver.
No connection to pixhak.
Can i email for you?

Hi everybody,

I get “NO TELEMETRY”, or everything stuck,
but I get correct sensors discovered, and Inav widget is working (all except flight modes or the like, refresh is slow but values congruent) with CRSF configured.
I get also “Sensor lost” quite often.
I tried to change pars on transmitters, but no difference.
How is it possible that problem is depending by FC ?
I guess is something related to transmitter or elrs/edgetx, or lua script, if tm is correctly received.
(By the way …I read also that EU-LBT elrs is not so stable, I will try FCC next time).
But, anyway, all this discussion is a bit confusing.

My conf:
Taranis x9-lite transmitter ,
fc speedybef4v3,
elrs (900 Mhz radio link)
… and last version of everything …

Any other idea ?


Try changing the ELRS packet rate and telemetry ratio. There is a table on the yappu script page. Standard is pretty slow for this purpose

I recently found that I only ever get telemetry if use the Custom Firmware Builder - even if CRSF telemetry is already checked there, and therefore should be on by default for the board in question.

So now I’m always building firmwares with more or less the defaults (not really ‘custom’), and Yaapu always works for me, which wasn’t the case with precompiled versions (stable, beta or latest).

This is on Crossfire though, no idea if it helps with ELRS.

@Kyle700 : The magic happened : changing ratio to 1:2 now tm is quite better !!!

@UnknownPilot : I am using a custom firmware because I broke USB connector on FC, and I tested IRC VTX protocol (with no success …) with a DruiBet and iFlight 1.6 w VTX, so it has been necessary for me to create a custom firmware for speedybeef4v3. I agree with You that configuration differences of default vs custom firmware is not so clear, and online builder does not offer all options, at least in my experimentation with it. I had to play with hwdef files and the like.

So …,
it seems to be working now,
till next problem …:slight_smile:

speedybee USB connector was likely glued on fc board, I found very poor soldering under it, after it detached itself … :thinking:


Yet another report of SpeedyBee QA problems - I’m sticking with Matek, not a single failure in years.


Id appreciate some advice to get Yaapu running again after changing TX/RX to Crossfire. (external module on same radio)
I had Yaapu working fine with a Frsky TDMX on X20 running Ethos.
So far spent nearly a week trying every setting I can think of but Yaapu is not showing any telemetry data (other than anything selected in link quality).
Have rediscovered sensors 100s of times now and get many things shown with a few red missing ones (Rx Rssi1 &2, Tx RSSI,TX power) and message ‘sensor lost’ quite often.
Enable CRSF support is turned on.
Bit 8 of RC_options is on.
Serial7 options = 0 and Protc =23.

Yaapu Lua was downloaded from github for Ethos with correct screen size.

I noticed when it worked with frsky TDMX (fport) there was only a limited number of sensors showing. It would not work if it was a full list. Is this still the case with CRSF? I have a full list.

Anyway its driving me mad and would really like to get it going again.


Hi, is it TBS crossfire or ELRS?
if ELRS try to raise the telemetry rate by perhaps decreasing the telemetry to RC ratio

Hi Alex. Its Crossfire Nano TX & RX (now have nano pro rx).
Have already tried setting 150hz telemetry.

The widget is the latest version from github for Ethos but the version number at the bottom says
1.0.0 dev (119fb15) is that ok?

I’ve scrolled through most of the thread and tried my best to follow other solutions. I can discover all the 25+ sensors, but get no telemetry data in the script.

Matek F405 WTE running arduplane 4.3.2
TX16S with micro v2 Crossfire module running latest firmware 6.19 (EdgeTX 2.8)
Crossfire Nano RX connected to uart2 (serial 6)
yaapu 2.0.x dev (6cccb30)
Parameters i’ve checked:

CRSF support enabled in yaapu script settings.
I’ve tried changing the RF rate in the Crossfire script, aswell as most other iterations of the settings in there.

debug script:
jamesc troubleshooting parameters.param (22.1 KB)

I would try the receiver on UART1/SERIAL1 too, just to make sure.

Thanks for the help, unfortunately that hasnt fixed it.

@yaapu. Now go it working.
Perhaps others have fallen into the same trap as me. After installing the external CRSF module I changed the Yaapu telemetry source to ‘external sport’. Just put it to ‘default’ and everything booted up perfect.

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Hi, the debug script shows that telemetry is indeed flowing.
Ardupilot config seems about right, concentrate on the radio side

Hi @yaapu, thanks for the implementation!
I have been using ELRS with Yaapu LUA widget on some FPV models for a long time.
Today I find myself in the need to have vspeed as a sensor in EdgeTX because I installed an ELRS rx on a glider I use with SOAR.
Previously I installed an FrSky rx with variometer, and the “vpseed” sensor was obviously present.
This rx with ELRS does not have the barometer for the vario, and it would be very interesting to have the “vspeed” sensor from Ardupilot, not only in the widget but also as an actual sensor, I think 3Hz would be enough.
Is this possible or am I forced to go back to FrSky?
I use ELRS rx at 868 MHz and they don’t exist with variometer incorporated (only 2.4 GHz), so I think the only solution might be what I wrote you.
I also note that in the sensors the speed and altitude are those of the GPS, instead it would be useful if they were for example the barometric and airspeed if present.
I am well aware that CRFS telemetry by default sends those GPS sensors, but it would be helpful to be able to choose them.
It would also be sufficient if Yaapu widget had an internal variometer feature since vspeed data receives it, which can be turned on/off (audio output) with an rx channel as needed.

marco3dr, you may be having a similar issue I did. I was missing Airspeed. I was using crsf and didn’t think I needed the setting any more, but the yaapu widget uses FRSKY_OPTIONS and it must be set to 1 in order for airspeed to show up. I can’t remember if it affected vspeed as well. If your FRSKY_OPTIONS is set to the default of 0, try 1 and see if that fixes your issue.

Have you been following the Express LRS “mavlink-rc” work @yaapu ? How hard would it be to read the MavLink stream direct from Express LRS using the “MavLink” protocol. Maybe I’m oversimplifying, but would it not just be removing/disabling the CRSF wrapper code?

close to impossible I’d say, there’s no lua support for mavlink frames.
As far as I know the best alternative would be @olliw42 mLRS

mLRS supports mavlink as native protocol but on the RX side it also has a built-in mavlink to custom ardupilot CRSF telemetry converter, so you can have mavlink + yaapu

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I’m trying to get Yaapu telemetry working with a Cube Red which requires I use the “RCIN” port on the flight controller - i.e. not a UART. I have set the protocol on Express LRS to “Inverted CRSF” and connected TX on the receiver to the signal pin on the RCin 3 wire port. Radio signals work, I’m getting AETR, modes etc, but no telemetry.

Should this work?

Running 333Hz, 1/2 ratio, 16ch rate/2, all the “CRSF” options are checked on ArduPilot RC_OPTIONS.