Passthrough telemetry over CRSF (crossfire)

Hi, looks like you mixed up different versions and widgets.
The Yaapu Telemetry widget has an integrated mapping option that requires ArduPilot to work properly. This widget has a dedicated configuration script, “Yaapu Config”.
The Yaapu Mapping widget is an independent widget that does not require ArduPilot, it has a dedicated config script that edit the Yaapu Maps’ widget configuration file, it shares map tiles with the mapping option of the telemetry widget.

Map tiles are shared between these 2 widgetd provided you use version 2.x of both.

If you run “Yaapu Config” you only change options for the Yaapu Telemetry Widget" if you run “Yaapu Maps” you only change options for the standalone mapping widget.

Now back to zoom control (this applies to version 2.x of both scripts)
Zoom control is independent from the availability of the corresponding tiles, regardless of zoom level when some tiles are not present the widget falls back to the “no map data” default tile.
How does zoom work?
The widget monitors the “zoom channel” set in the config script, it should be a 3 pos switch, leave it in middle during setup so you’ll be sure it won’t change zoom.
Now define a min and max zoom levels, don’y worry about having the tiles, let’s get the control working first.
When the switch is NOT in the middle position the widget will keep changing zoom like if you kept the zoom + or - button pressed, as soon as you move it back to the middle zooming in/out will stop.
You can control how fast the widget will zoom in/out by setting the emulated wheel delay
To slow things down set it to 1.0 sec (if your emulated wheel channel is NOT in the middle position zoom will increase/decrese every 1sec)

hope this helps

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Thanks, it started to work once I updated to the latest version of the Yaapu Mapping widget! I had never updated it before as I had thought it’s more of an old redundant entry, with the same functionality available within the Telemetry widget. But turns out I always used the separate widget for maps on any model. And now with the latest version, I can finally zoom - thanks!

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Are there maybe any issues with latest builds generated by the Custom Firmware Builder and the Yaapu script?

I suddenly have the same problem on different planes and copters running custom latest: RC is working, about 20 telemetry sensors are detected, but the script is apparently not receiving any telemetry. Usually this problem went away by switching to another model and then back, but not this time.

EDIT: Another way I used to deal with this was flashing a latest from a few days back - more than once, this brought the telemetry script back to life. Unfortunately this is not possible if the FC only works with custom versions (like Kakute F7) - the builder only works with the very latest version, so I can only wait until next day and try again (which I’m doing right now).

Is there a new checkbox in the CFWB that I might have overlooked and prevents the script from running? Of course, CRSF telemetry is always checked, and settings on the craft are unchanged.

On a side note, I’m also still having problems with the map display. While zooming and map display work at home, “no map” is shown in the field, although I have download that area about 3 times over. It’s a fairly large area since I wanted to cover several flying locations at once instead of downloading them separately. According to the wiki, huge amounts of tiles shouldn’t be a problem, so that’s what I put on the SD card (300k tiles, 4.5GB). My home area is not part of that, I downloaded only a very small area around it, and that one works. Too much data after all maybe?

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I don’t know the answer, but I would be interesting in knowing what options you need that require the custom build server

Sorry, at the moment I can’t quite remember, I always tend to erase solved problems from my memory. I do keep (rather chaotic) notes though, so it’s only a matter of time I stumble across the answer. :wink:

I more or less only run 2 different FCs in all my craft: Various F405 variants and 2x Kakute F7 AIO.

EDIT: Remembered something, PM sent since that’s a bit OT here.

Question for all you experts.

I recall reading somewhere Crossfire should be fixed at 150hz instead of dynamic. Is this still the case? Would this have an effect on actual range of the RC?

Good question,
I too would like to know what Comms settings would provide the utmost reliability, and link stability at extended range.
Many of us ardupilot users are not at all concerned with lightning reflexes or the latest super low latency nonsense that fpv racers rave about.
I’m already at dshot150 instead of 600 or 1200 etc as I believe the lower baud rate should be less limited by cable lengths etc
But what elrs settings and crsf settings provide the lowest demand on the link and the best reliability?

From what I heard so far, DSHOT600 works best with AP and is therefore recommended.

I think there is some consideration toward a slow response from the esc due to low baud rate potentially causing tuning issues of the pid loop as delays in change of the speed would mean the loop control isn’t as responsive, that might be true in a copter where there are pitch oscillations etc, but on a rover which just drives around slowly and doesn’t do rtk etc I doubt even pwm would be any problem
The only reason I use dshot at all is for the pass through config of fwd/rev of the blheli32 esc, otherwise I would just be using pwm

If you are looking for a dedicated telemetry Module . Then we have built a Telemetry Module that works in 2.4Ghz band. This will work with both ArduPilot and Pixhawk. It works with Mission Planner and QGC. However I am not sure if it will work with OpenTx/Edge TX.
We have developed a SiK Radio formfactor Telemetry Module.
it supports 200kbps data rate.
For usage on OpenTx/EdgeTX we are in process of developing and testing the firmware. the Ground unit will fit in JR bay and support Full Mavlink including Mavlink RC @1.3Mbps data rate


Hi Alex,

is the download from the Master Branch up to date?

(I needed a current version for Ethos on X18S)

Hellow, trying to update Yaapu script after some time, while the install instructions are same from before but the sd card content structure has totally changed, 1st there are 2 folders for the Taranis x9d series bw212x64_f4 and a bw212x64_f2, i dont understand their difference, 2nd is inside that folder is SD and now there is a new folder which i did not see in previous versions called SRC, if someone can help out with instructions on how to install correctly please

Screen resolution for the X9D so you want that.

yes i know, what about f4 and f2 written at end of the folder which one to choose and what is SRC folder how to utilize that?

Hi all

I have a Radiomaster TX16S on OpenTX with CRSF Micro TX v2 and CRSF Nano RX connected to a Pixhawk. Wiring is correct as I am getting Stick inputs in MissionPlanner but I only get the 14 default sensors in Model settings on the RadioMaster. There are no GPS sensors.


Not sure what else to try. I have re-installed firmware multiple times on pixhawk and Radio to no success.

I have deleted and rediscovered sensors multiple times as well.

Any help would be appreciated



Is CRSF enabled in Yaapu settings?

I have not installed the Yaapu script yet as I am unable to get the GPS sensors.

I just read a post stating that ArduCopter Stable versions does not support Telemetry passthrough.

Should I use Dev or Beta version?

Maybe some older post? Im using stable 4.3.7 and the pastrough settings are there. Can receive the packets normally in the radio.

Thanks, good to rule that out then.

I was able to get it working on a Diversity RX about a year ago but on the Nano RX I am unable to get it going.

Does the fram type matter? This is a hexacopter build.

Also, if I get RC to work in MissionPlanner but no sensors in the Radio, should I just go ahead and install the Yaapu script? From Painless360 video he says not worth installing the script if don’t get the GPS sensors

It won’t work without the sensors, but having it installed is the easiest way to notice when the sensors are found. Easier than going to the telemetry page to check everytime a setting is changed. Just make sure CRSF is enabled in Yaapu settings.