Passthrough telemetry over CRSF (crossfire)

These radios are shipping with EdgeTx now so no going back. I switched to EdgeTx on the older TX16S when I had all Frsky R9 gear not so long ago and it all worked great. I now have 2 craft on Crossfire but the full transition is now stalled.

Chaps, the tbs agent lite with EdgeTX issue you are reporting here has been mentioned in a RCG post by Alex @yaapu I read yesterday (Official EdgeTX Discussion Thread - Page 173 - RC Groups). In that post Alex suggests this being an EdgeTX issue, where in Opentx running the tbs agent lite app would cause all background lua apps (such as yaapu widget) to pause allowing tbs agent lite to run perfectly over telem link, but in recent EdgeTX versions this functionality appears to have been removed, causing major issues for telem when both apps trying to use telem at once. I added some comments yesterday to an issue already open for this in Github here : Opening TBS Agent Lite Wifi setting hangs the radio Ā· Issue #1917 Ā· EdgeTX/edgetx Ā· GitHub
Please feel free to go comment on that to see if it helps get the ETx devs attention.

I am also having issues running the yaapu script/widget on tx16s mkII radio. It constantly reports connecting message as seen here. I also mentioned this in RCG post, but as relevant here I think itā€™s worthy of a mention. Vid shows issue here: yaapu EdgeTX issue - YouTube

For the moment I have uninstalled the script on the new radio as the 2 newest models are on CRSF. Having used telemetry on the Transmitter going back to the old ā€œBlomgren on a Teensyā€ solution I am having withdrawal symptoms.

Hi Alex, quick question. I am looking to set up ardupilot for my pixhawk quad with a tx16s, and a happymodel ELRS rx/tx. Just so I have this correct, in order to setup ardupilot for rc in and telemetry,
serialx = 23 for rc in, and rcoptions=+256 for telem data on the tx16s running the yaapu script correct?

Thank you for your time.

Hello, I have been trying to get ELRS R9/R9Slim+ to work with the Yaapu script on my Taranis QX7 ACCESS to no avail. When I exit out of the script config page after enabling CRSF it returns ā€œSyntax Error: [Model name].cfgā€
My arduplane settings are as follows:
SERIAL7 = 23
I get telemetry but only receiver side telemetry (RSSI, LQ, etc.)
Am I doing anything wrong?

Thank you in advance.

Any action on this that anyone has seen?

I recently had some RC Receiver failsafe events with CRSF and passthrough telemetry. Everything seems to work fine. But suddenly, failsafe events during a flight occur.

System: Crossfire Full, Dynamic, V.6.17
Receiver: MicroRx
Transmitter: Radiomaster / OpenTX 2.3.14 / Yaapu 1.9.5
Pixhawk, CRSF on Telemetry UART

Download link of the BIN: Dropbox - 00000003.ZIP - Simplify your life
Download link of the TLog: Dropbox - 2022-05-25 - Simplify your life


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Same story for me. Unchanged hardware runs free of fail-safes on INAV. Same flight location, same radio.

hello. been a year using it with not any major issues, except the same old problem persists for me, that when in MP i change my arming option from Rudder to a throttle cut/ switch then Yaapu script does not work for me, but the moment i revert back to the default method of arming with the rudder stick everything comes back to life, if anyone can kindly have a solution for this issue, arming with the rudder stick is too primitive.

Same issue here (widget showing gps data only) using Nano RX, Rover 4.1.5 and TX16S with OTX 2.3.14. FC is a pixhawk4 mini.

Is CRSF telemetry enabled in the pixhawk4-mini (PH4-mini) build? I treid to do a custom build but the interface does not do Rover builds and the one started failed anyway.

Help would greatly appreciated.

Hello everyone, an info. Is it possible to install everything on a FC mambah743- mamba mk4 H7?
i canā€™t find the right ArduPilot file to install

No it is not currently, but Diatone have sent me two and I am working on the port. The gating issue is the flash chip they used for logging - we donā€™t currently support it and I am having to work my way through the new command structure

Hi, it sounds like you donā€™t have passthrough enabled in Ardupilot. Check the AP parameter RC_OPTIONS, making sure bit 8 is set - see the first post by Alex in this thread about that option.

Iā€™ve got an 900MHz ExpressLRS radio and I am trying to get telemetry set up and working. I spent the last weekend trying but ended up eventually realizing the Pixhawk-1M did not have the support compiled in. After updating the bootloader to the standard one, I was able to flash the normal firmware without the instability caused by using the normal Pixhawk firmware on top of the presumably 1M bootloader.

Now I am able to get telemetry working to some degree, but Yappu does not show the battery voltage correctly (0.00V), flashes NO TELEMETRY DATA, NO GPS, etc. Basically the only thing that works is the messages which come through very delayed, GPS coordinates do appear to update, and I do see the attitude update every few seconds as well.

I did spot that one of the messages is ā€œINF ELRS: RF Mode 5; Telemetry rate is 5Hzā€ and this may be the explanation for why update rate is on the order of several seconds, and the Yapuu debug shows a telemetry rate of 0.0Hz. Still not sure why the battery voltage does not work, though. I see RxBt sensor register correctly. Possibly need a newer Yapuu script? (currently running 1.9.5 c47a1df)

edit: turns out I just needed to increase the telemetry rate using the Express LRS configuration script to something more reasonable like 1:2, 1:4, or 1:8. By default it was configured 1:64 which was way too slow.

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@pauljatherton: Thanks a lot for the hint! Actually ā€¦ I did add 256 but to SERIALn_OPTIONS instead of RC_OPTIONS. You solved my ā€œissueā€ - it works now - very happy! Next point; figure out where to get an additional serial for mavlinkā€¦ :wink:


Support for this board has been merged to master

Thanks, Iā€™ll try to install this fastasic script right away. Thanks again

Hi, that is indeed the reason, ArduPilot 4.2.x requires an rc to telemetry rate of 25 or better, so for instance RC @50Hz and 1:2 ratio, or RC@100HZ and 1:2 or 1:4 ratio


OpenTX 2.3.15
Crossfire Micro Tx 6.17
Nano RX V3
Matek H743 Wing
Ardupilot 4.2.1
Yaapu 1.9.6 dev
Radiomaster Tx16s

I have been at this all weekend with no luck. Iā€™m getting telemetry on my radio, I believe its getting 23 parameters. I have checked and rechecked my parameters. Iā€™m getting some messages in white and some in ā€œorangeā€ on the Yaapu Widget Screen 2. On screen 1 gives my nothing. I have two radioā€™s, one is running Dragonlink and Yaapu works fine on that one. The Crossfire radio has not worked. RC_Options are set with the plus 256, i have no clue whats off.
I am using Serial1 UART Tx6 and Rx6 on the FC. Set to 23 as noted throughout the thread. Iā€™ve worked with a few friends to try and me going but still nothing. I do have radio control in Mission Planner so all seems good there. I have enabled CRSF support in the Yaapu config file

Donā€™t have a clue what happened. It worked for a second. Rebooted now its no telemetry again