Passthrough telemetry over CRSF (crossfire)

The two flight controllers are configured correctly and the yaapu telemetry works very well!


My setup is still working fine, having Rqly and TxQly at 100%, with stable RFMOD=2.
RF environnement is indoor inside a huge city.
Last CRSF Arduplane message is

rf mode change 1->2 ,rate is 41Hz.


rf mode change 1->2 ,rate is 126Hz.

But the Yaapu script is kind of slow with high jitter on telemetry update, with a 1 to 10 sec update rate (1 to 10 sec between pitch/roll/yaw update). I am also running Open.Hd on this FC, and the Open.HD HUD has a much better updater rate (has expected) : a constant sub second update rate.

What should be the expected update rate in real world ?

I also wonder why the update rate is stuck at 41Hz or 126Hz, (not reaching 150Hz)ā€¦ any idea ?

Sometimes, there is a burst of refresh (several per second) during 5-10sec, and then it comes back to a slow refresh rate during several minutes.

Forcing Nano RX to 150Hz RF profile, doesnā€™t help to increasing refresh rate.

For reference, here is my setup :

  • FC MATEK H743 WING runnning your Arduplane V0.9

with TBS nano RX receiver Firmware beta V4.08 HW V1.33
with Matek GPS in Indoor conditions (no fix)

  • Radiomaster TX16S running OpenTX 2.3.10-otx and Yaapu 1.9.1-beta1
    With TBS Micro TX V2 Firmware beta V4.08 HW V2.03.
  • TX power forced to to 100mW
  • CRSF link is : SERIAL1 (pin tx7 & rx7) <=> NANO RX : PIN 1 & 2 configured as CRSF TX & RX
    RC_OPTIONS = (32 + 256) = 288

Hi, what you get is not the expected rate, on an H7 you should get about 150Hz, OpenTX Widget HUD refresh is around 5Hz and should be really smooth.

Is the ardupilot SRn_XXXX param driving the refresh rate of CRSF link ?

nope, CRSF rate is fixed, on regular TBS is 150Hz for mode 2, 50Hz for mode 1, 4Hz for mode 0, on TRacer is fixed at 250Hz

But the actual rate depends on the serial port you use, to get 150Hz requires a serial port with DMA for both TX and RX which is not that common, especially on F4/F7 boards

this is because you get the message on mode change and the rate is averaged from the previous one on a 5 secs period, if you see 126Hz on mode change you should be fine

Hi Alex
why my Kakute F7 opentx crossfire Lua script canā€™t show param at your 0.9 crsf firmware, but Mateksys H743 can?

serial port on kakuteF7 probably has no DMA for both TX/RX and canā€™t hanlde CRSF at full speed, which port are you using?

I tried all port, at last I use port 1. (983.5 KB)
this is the (latest) PR version compiled for matek H743, could you try if it makes any difference?
You can also use latest yaapu widget 1.9.3 beta here

I checked board config code , port 1 has dma on both TX and rx.

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Thanks Alex, so 126Hz is fine for the refresh rate, great.

About the DMA on UART, i am using SERIAL1 (pin tx7 & rx7) aka UART7 of MATEK H743 WING. It should be fine, isnā€™t it ?

UART7 has no ā€œNODMAā€ flags in the hwdef.dat fileā€¦

# UART7 (telem1)

can you build my PR version from this branch or should I compile it for you, if so which vehicle?

totally out of sorts now, tried all possibilities, even rewired everything changed ports, channels on rx/tx still the issue persists, only after 5 or 10 reboots i sometimes have the no telemetry msg vanish and i can see in the upper tab says R99/100 something like that, and in the debug page i can see msgs being registered etc, it even gives msgs of CRSF changing mode 2 to 1 and 1 to 2 sometimes but no movement or data on the Yaapu script screen, all sensors are there, all recommended settings tried, so now i am left with scratching my head, or should i try the 0.8 arduplane fw with the older version of the Yaapu? what do you suggest,
i was also waiting for your msg as you had said that you will be making a custom fw for meā€¦using the Matek f405 wing
current setup is removed all Mavlink wires from fc and disabled the serial port it was connected to, so now the crsf tx/rx is connected to T1 and R1 respectively and in MP i can change flight modes etcā€¦gps is on serial3, so totally disabled serial2 which has the sbus connector and disabled serial5 (which previously had the mavlink connection)
settings are as follows :


RC_OPTIONS = (32 + 256) = 288




I can build myself. tomorrow. thank.

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ah sorry I must have forgot, which vehicle?

BTW your issue is something I really canā€™t explain, MicroTX v2 4.08 + nano receiver 4.08 + MatekF405-Wing is the platform I did all development on, so Iā€™m positive 100% that works really well :frowning:

i am using the Micro v2 receiver not the nano, and the TBS CROSSFIRE is v1 on 4.08
using Arduplane on the MatekF405 wing

the fw you told me to download was 4.0.9 but inside the Taranis it says 4.1.0 i hope this not a culprit

mhmm sorry, not sure weā€™re talking about the same thing here, which firmware?