Passthrough telemetry over CRSF (crossfire)

Sounds great.
Kind of side entry. Is it possible to get a FrSky Sensor like this to the scripting? So far I didn’t find the possibilty to input FrSky sensors to the Ardu telemetrie.

This is already possible with user sensors on my Widgets/Scripts but only with frsky telemetry, no way to make it work for crossfire if this was question

This was the question.
So the “old” way for the turbine jets and the “new” way for the EDF jets. :smiley:.
Very nice for me.

Hi, couple posts back


Hi Alex,
today I have a issue where I need Your help.
I installed Your latest test build, version 0.9 at a pixhawk1.
Firmware from crossfire is 3.78 on TX and microRX.
Connection is ok and the RC signals are working. So far I all relevated setings on the PH should be right.
Now the RCInput should decoding the CRSF.
I get the message “CRSF:requestig RX device info”
So the system try this about 30 times, followed by the message “CRSF: RX device ping failed” and “CRSF: custom telem init done, fw 0.00”.
At another plane with a PH1 it working well.
Any idea which direction I should go?

Cheers, Markus

Hi Markus,
looks like CRSF is not working at all, not even the standard telemetry.
Can you discover the standard sensors from the telemetry page?
Only when CRSF standard telemetry works you should enable custom telemetry.

I’m attempting to connect a Crossfire Nano receiver to a RevoMini. I’m using todays “latest” build and have it connected to the Main Port with SERIAL1_PROTOCOL = 23, but am not seeing the inputs in Mission Planner. Is there another setting that I’m overlooking? Thanks in advance.

Hi Alex,
the CRSF is working, as I could see the standard paramenters at the telemetrie page.
They got the the ID form 0 to 9. So it looks the standard telemetrie is working.
Like I said - its difficult.

…the trivial check: RC_OPTONS += 256 to enable custom telemetry?

…against the “golden men rules” I read the instructions first :slight_smile:
RC_OPTIONS is 288. 32 as standard + 256 for the bit 8.
I copied a parameterfile from a working Pixhawk 1 to the new one. Same problem.

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I think I found the problem.
At the MicroRX the CRSF RX funktion is not working.
The CRSF TX is enugh to send the RC control signals to the ArduPilot Pixhawk.
But no feedback at the CRSF RX chanel so the telemetrie link could not start.
I test it with a Crossfire diversity receifer and it works fine.
So the new MicroRX is someting for the waste bin.

ah! that explains why it was not working. I tested with a micro rx so yours is unfortunately a failed unit :frowning:

yep, but the error messages on the protocol are very nice and helped me a lot. :grinning:

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can we use yaapu telemetry with tbs tango 2 ?



tbs tango 2 uses a custom version of OpenTX, no idea if my script would work.
From the docs looks like it can run lua scripts and if it has enough memory, like a QX7, than it should work.
OLED resolution is a bit higher @ 128x96 vs 128x64 of the QX7, do you own one?

edit: LCD is tiny, probbaly not worth running my script


I have a taranis X9D et tbs tango 2
Screen is indeed tiny but I will try after xmas just because the voice announcements of your script


Ok get custom telemetry working on the x9d as a reference and only then try on the tango the qx7 script, report back your findings please :slight_smile:

I joined just to say thank you! THANK YOU!

I’ve finally got telemetry working properly with my TX16S and TBS Micro TX V2 connected via CRSF to an old 3DR Pixhawk1. Accessing MP through the TBS WiFi / UDP isn’t great so the original SiK is still on the chassis to make MP changes a little easier. All in all I am super excited to get this project back in the air. I know it’s not a finalized product but (touch wood) so far so good.

This particular Yaapu project is awesome. If there’s a way I can donate a few bucks to the project I’d like to help.

Thanks again!


(Running 0.9 ArduCopter Pixhawk1 and Yaapu 1.9.1)

Thanks for your feedback!
feature wise is pretty much ready, I’m hoping to get it in master soon!

You can support this project here, thanks a lot!


@JoshW @andyp1per added support for tracer telemetry, can you test it? Support has been added to my PR branch pr/crsf_telem_passthrough, thanks
