Passthrough telemetry over CRSF (crossfire)

Hi, for this to work CRSF is a requirement

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Hey Alex… I tried building for CUAVV5Nano ‘heli’ and am getting this error… do you get the same?

[301/739] Compiling libraries/AP_Notify/AP_Notify.cpp
Dependency /home/josh/ardupilot/libraries/AP_Proximity/AP_Proximity_MorseSITL.h for
        {task 140563206945808: cxx AP_Proximity.cpp -> AP_Proximity.cpp.0.o} is missing: check the task declaration and the build order!
Waf: Leaving directory `/home/josh/ardupilot/build/CUAVv5Nano'
Build failed
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/josh/ardupilot/modules/waf/waflib/", line 960, in get_bld_sig
    ret = cache[self]
KeyError: /home/josh/ardupilot/libraries/AP_Proximity/AP_Proximity_MorseSITL.h

…which branch Josh?


this commit 017f9650940ea5354227a6fc93e2ae76d2257b62 or tag ver_0.8?

Yay we get to laugh at my git weaknesses together… :slight_smile:
Here is the git log:

josh@DESKTOP-4CHMG6D:~/ardupilot$ git log
commit 017f9650940ea5354227a6fc93e2ae76d2257b62 (HEAD, yaapu/test/crsf_telem_passthrough)
Author: yaapu <>
Date:   Mon Nov 23 00:00:24 2020 +0100

    AP_RCTelemetry: passthrough down to 10Hz, disabled when in fast parameter mode

commit 64494b2f019805e8e397af67a1bb389774c69e5d
Author: yaapu <>
Date:   Sun Nov 22 23:09:13 2020 +0100

    AP_RCTelemetry: allow for faster parameters processing

commit bd5f46eb603dbc90c168200bba4b79237dd78213 (yaapu/pr/crsf_telem_passthrough)
Author: yaapu <>
Date:   Thu Nov 19 21:38:48 2020 +0100

    RC_Channel: added support for passthrough telemetry over crossfire

commit b1f902fc9f237426f74b27de99d5b87f79a60385
Author: yaapu <>
Date:   Thu Nov 19 21:38:30 2020 +0100

    GCS_MAVLink: added support for passthrough telemetry over crossfire

commit 25283b6ba87b363939314b54236db770c8b5f90a
Author: yaapu <>
Date:   Thu Nov 19 21:38:05 2020 +0100

    AP_Frsky_Telem: added support for passthrough telemetry over crossfire

ok, latest from yesterday, trying right now even though did not touch AP_Proximity, hold on

Ok thanks. I was able to build Heli yesterday from @bnsgeyer branch that is also a recent master patch, so hopefully this is easily fixable.

I hate asking this but… how difficult would a rebase be? (I’d do it myself but honestly am pretty sure I’d mess it up)

I’ll do it for you, will you be using a Horus or a Taranis to display telemetry?

Horus X12S and FWIW, Tracer instead of OG Crossfire. Curious if it will work with 250Hz (but will also be trying normal crossfire soon too)

please paste here @bnsgeyer branch you want me to use for the rebase

Wait no sorry… I don’t want to include Bill’s patch to this, I specifically need to not include that patch to baseline something we saw with yesterday’s test. I was more curious in Master in general.

ok, so a plain CUAVv5 Nano build from my tree?

Yes for Heli, but I may want to try other boards within the next week too which was why I was hoping to build myself and not bother you for them. Does the error happen when you build too or just me?

Nope, building fine here. I rebased my test/crsf_telem_passthrough to current master, building now for CUAVv5Nano

As am I, excellent thanks Alex, it compiles here now too.

versions after 0.8 require a newer version of my widget, so if you build it yourself you need (968.3 KB)

Edit: I added --osd to enable MSP too

Outstanding, thanks Alex! I’ll get this installed on the radio and get you Tracer feedback ideally today. FYI I’ve been able to also successfully build for CubeBlack, CubeOrange and CUAV-Nora.
Thanks again so much as always!

(I’ve also added --osd because awesomeness will follow :heart_eyes: )

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Josh is the TRacer fw same as regular TBS i.e. latest being 4.08 or does it have a whole different versioning?

Hey Alex… It’s different. It came out as 5.02 and now is 5.03.