Passthrough telemetry over CRSF (crossfire)

mhmm can’t be :frowning:
what you experience only happens if ardupilot and the widget do not use the same custom telemetry frame ID.
You need widget 1.9.0b_0.7 which you do have and my custom ardupilot ver_0.8

Thank you, works great on a F405-CTR. Do you think it would be possible to build it for a H743-Mini?

One more vid Alex
ardupilot serial

Alex Bingo…
I was looking at port 5 it was set for 10… As i wanted mavlink over bluetooth on it i changed to 1 rebooted hey presto my telemetry is fully functional…
ha ha weird thanks by the way…

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Hi, I added a MatekH743 build


Alex please can you verify another question I have please.
does your setup run only on nano rx ch1 and 2 or needs all 4 channels.
I am unsure if I still set this up right. My rc link seems to be over rx ch 3 and 4 over mavlink. If I disconect the ch 3 and 4 I lose rc control but keep my widget telemetry.
I am thinking this is wrong but need confirmation please,
I am sorry to keep bothering you hopefully my problems here will also help others also.
Dave :grinning:

Since I have a Micro TX V2 with no mavlink I only connect RX ch1 and ch2 for RC control.

Yes Thanks This means I still have a difference or problem as for some reason my control channel is over ch3 and 4 this setup prob works fine and does allow me a remote bluetooth pc link to mission planner, however i am trying to test as you designed and are using. thanks for info, I need to investigate why I have no rc link now over just the crsf ch
Thanks yet again

Hey Alex, FYI that the Micro TX V2 supports wifi telemetry bridge of Mavlink. I haven’t gone through this myself yet but Trappy is advertising that all the CRSF transmitters support mavlink over wifi… probably worth looking in to:

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@yaapu Nice work! Tbh I think this is the greatest news in 2020 for all CRSF+ardupilot users.

One thing that I have yet figure out:
My FC have Uarts 6 connected to CRSF nano. Before using yaapu telemetry, I basically sticked with Mavlink and had RC_over_mavlink enable. Since I have a full size TX, I could connect to GCS via bluetooth.

However, now with yaapu telemetry running on my transmitter, the bluetooth connection no longer work, even though MavEmu is enabled.

What should I do if I want to have both yappu_telemetry and GCS working at the same time?

I am still able to connect via bluetooth its running more slowly now but seems usable
Make sure that your uart using mavlink is set to option1 i had to move my mavlink uart and change option
on the nano rx side my ch 1 and 2 are set to crsf and ch 3 and 4 are mavlink i also have rc by mavlink enabled.
hope it helps
Regard Dave

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thanks, but it would not have been possible without @andyp1per CRSF support!


Thanks Dave. I was hoping the MavEmu feature offered by full size TX can covert received signals into MAVLink, so I wouldn’t need to dedicate an Uarts for MAVLink.
Perhaps I misunderstand how MavEmu really works.

I suspect this is because the jumbo frame that Alex uses slows down some of the other messages that MAVEmu uses - there is only so much bandwidth.

I think Dave was using sbus with mavlink and now switched to CRSF + mavlink, so no CRSF telemetry at all when mavlink was reported as fast, but as Andy pointed out my big frames might be stealing some bandwidth

@lawrence might be helpful to check what you get with MP’s MAVInspector and test with a 3D sat lock present. as to my understanding crossfire’s MAVEmu priorizes the position message set and it’s easy to falsely assume it’s not working during indoor tests without a proper sat fix. guess how i know :wink:

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Hi all, I saw this in Crossfire TX update release note 4.05

405 release note

Perhaps we will have a stable connection of telemetry now ? (same for bluetooth) I use crossfire Big TX (the no-lite) since 2 years and it naver has been stable… It stall when you don’t want that to happen.

I tested on Matek F405-wing and Crossfire TX 4.00 firmware version and seems good, really good to me with LUA script on taranis X9D.

Thanks for great work @yaapu and @vierfuffzig

[EDIT]: It seems since firmware crossfire 4.05, you cannot have mavlink bluetooth MAVlink (only MavEmu) when using CRSF. Bug or normal behavior ? Will digg in…Perhaps bad wiring. Rx crossfire diversity. CRSF on 7/8 and Mavlink output 3/4

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np, @yaapu did an awesome job here. me just testing, trying not to fry stuff :wink:

Hey, I currently have my CRSF RX connected to the F405 only by Mavlink - no SBUS or CRSF Connection. Will this work as well or will i need to change my setup?