Passthrough telemetry over CRSF (crossfire)

Thank you for the feedback @Don_Gilles & @Target0815 !

333 Hz Full in 8ch mode with 1:2 telemetry.

Would anyone have ideas/tips how to best further debug where the issue lies in my case with AP fw >= v4.2.0. I see with Yaapu CRSF LUA debug script that with <v4.2.0 I get 0x5000 and higher passthrough data, but with >=v4.2.0 I only get 0x5000 and nothing above.

If it runs in your case with the same configuration under ArduPlane 4.1x, it can only be due to the configuration of AP 4.3.x.

Can you please upload your .param file from 4.3.x?

@Risto, I now have the same configuration as you except for an external ELRS module in a TX16S and EP1 receiver. The Yaapu script works fine with AP 4.3.2 right away.

In debug I get all the data.

Thank you Reinhard for the tests. This motivated me to play around further by flashing the H743-WING back and forth between AP 4.1.7 and 4.3.2 and I managed to finally get Yaapu LUA telemetry running also with AP 4.3.2. By doing the diff of the parameters, I cannot unfortunately still see a reason of why it did not work previously.

H743-WING_AP417_working.param (20.8 KB)
H743-WING_AP431_not_working.param (20.7 KB)

Anyhow works now with AP 4.3.2. Thank you again!

I have imported your not working parameters here on AP 4.3.2 and restarted. Works without problems with the Yaapu script (2.0.0 beta2).

To the parameters still remarks:
On the H743-Wing SERIAL7 (TX6/RX6) is the default port for RCin. It makes sense to leave it like this, especially since you can run an ELRS-RX directly on the 4 adjacent ports.

You don’t have to change the baud rate at the SERIALx for the ELRS-RX, it is set automatically. If 420 kBaud should be used, set the corresponding bit in RC_OPTIONS (last option).

ARMING_CHECK = 1 is elementary. If there are problems with it, fix the problems, don’t switch off the checks.

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Im using yaapu script (2.0.0beta2 dev)with tx16s on Edge Tx 2.8.0. I ve experinced that the script sometines stuck in the initialization. I had to go into widget setup to start it loading.
FW arduplane 4.4 dev
Found this post about similar issue here: Yaapu telemetry repeat initialization

Yaapu stuck in initializing - YouTube

Hi,please download latest version from master branch here

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I ve got the information (TBS group) that crossfire/tracer module not support higher baud than 400k, so CRSF v3 not available currently only CrsfShot/v2.
BUT i ve realised tha

t my 405 wing FC running 4.4 custom built fw,reports back CRSF v3…see picture below…what does it mean…maybe i ve enabled it during setup firmware builde and shows that ardupilot is able to handling crsf v3?

Hi, you need to enable CRSF support in the widget and have a valid RSSI sensor discovered.

BTW: thanks for testing this layout :slight_smile:

@yaapu i have set my telemetry working on my QX7, however, the update is delayed. Around 10secs.

I tested and noticed this when changing the flight mode (FM)…FM changing right away on the FC, but on my telemetry page, it took time to get updated… my FC is Matek765, Arduplane. 4.3.5, ELRS.

I do some experiment, on the same FC, I changed to another Radio (X9D) and the RX (TBS) to compare, all update are real time. Can you advise?

What technology? CRSF, ELRS, frsky, mavlink+mavtopt?

Hi Alex, I’ve also been trying to get your telemetry working with Qx7 settings, I see there is mention of enabling CRSF in the yaapu config but the config widget is not visible in the tools menu and it seems the file is not in the sd card zip for the Q7 stuff on git, where am i going wrong?
Kind regards
Scott Nunan
Update i seem to have it working now but the config screen was never in the tools scrips on rhe sd card, instead it just randomly loaded one time when i pressed the telem button. I dont seem to be able to choose between the yaapu telem wiget and the config screen

@yaapu ,Alex, it’s ELRS.
Update was taking around 10 seconds on my QX7 telemetry page

I had this when i was using 1/32 ratio at 100hz, when i went to 1/2 ratio it fixed it.

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I updated everything. I can see sensors on the telemetry page so I think it means passthrough is working.
I don’t now why but I still have the NoTelemetry red banner. I can only see current and orientation on the yaapu layout.

I run 1/4 ratio on ELRS. Painless360 recommendation go with “Std” doesn’t work for me, I get “NO TELEMETRY” (in Red) unless I reduce the ratio explicitly.

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I’ve had success at 1:2 through 1:8. Beyond that has been unreliable or unworkable.

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Did you guys read my notes about the telemetry ratio, it’s in the official wiki

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Hi Alex, yes i must have read it ten times atleast. I pondered for a long time as to what “higher” means with regard to the telemetry rate where you mention a minimum (or is it maximum) of 25 of 50 depending on version. I couldn’t seem to get it straight if you mean it can’t proccess data any slower than this limit or faster than the limit, and all the examples in the table were of the same limit value per version.

I also spent hours trying to work out how to enable crsf on a q7 based install when it didn’t appear obvious how to open the config screen and the instructions around opening it in the tools menu dont apply and i couldn’t see the config.lua in the sd card files at all on the taranis files github section.