Param missing - pixhawk

Some param are missing in Full parameter list like (MNT1_type) disapear also other parameters. kindly how I fix this. I reboot my pixhawk many times but still the problem, even I reinstall the mission planner.

Thank you

Some features are not included for flight controllers with low memory. You have to use the custom firmware build server to enable the features you need and disable others. You can’t just pick everything, you have to produce a usable firmware if course.

Thank you Shawn. Kindly can you tell me how to do it? From where I will get the firmware and how I will custom it, to enable and disable some feature.

Be sure to pick the correct board, and only pick features you actually need. Click on Generate and then download it when it’s finished.
Gimbal Mount might be the one you are after

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Thank you so much Shawn, it works for me :slight_smile: