Parachute released after crash check

Hi all,
I have an Tarot X6 hexarotor drone with a pixhawk autopilot. While flying for around 2 minutes at around 20m in the air the crash check was enabled and the parachute was enabled. Unfortunately I had disconnected the parachute while flying so the drone fell to the ground. What was the reason for the crash check. I have attached the both log files.

Thank you

hi @copter
it seems that your motor or ESC1 has been failed while flying

hi @hosein_gh . Thank you so much for the reply. What may be the reason for this failure. And how do I check if its motor or the ESC.

replace motor 1 with another motor then test it with motor test in mission planner but dont forget to remove propellers

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Can I just ask what parachute you are using with the x6? There are so many options and would really like an opinion from someone who is actually using one : ) Thanks!

Hi @bflippo. I am using the skycat pro parachute for my hexa

Thanks! That’s the one I have been looking at.