Orange Cube Compass Calibration

Has anyone experienced significant issues with the compass on the Cube Orange? We have been unable to calibrate the orange cubes and are wondering if we received a bad batch, or if there is a solution to this problem.

No matter how many times, ways, and locations we attempt to calibrate the compass on the orange, we get a poor calibration. The lowest fitness value we have been able to achieve is roughly 42.6. For reference, we have tried to calibrate the cube on our drone itself, and we have also tried to calibrate the cube when it has nothing connected to it and it is only connected to a laptop, so it isn’t a power interference issue.

Has anyone else experienced this and solved the problem? Any help would be appreciated!

What are you classing as a poor calibration? Big offsets do not mean a bad calibration.

Hey @iampete , have you ever seen this? I’m wondering if this may be the issue…when we calibrate an old pixhawk black cube, there are no issues. It appears this orange cube is a knock off, hence the difference in logos, and perhaps the sensors are inferior. From what I’ve read online, everyone else seems to like the orange cubes, so I’m wondering if this is a knock-off and that’s what’s causing the issue.

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That’s the new CubePilot Logo. It’s genuine Cube.
Usually internal compass struggles to calibrate because of wires surrounding it. For copters everyone usually disables internal compass.

Still, big offsets (over 600 ) can be acceptable or it can be problematic ?

Can be, as ever its not a straight forward as small numbers are good and big numbers are bad. For example if you take a perfect compass by mount it a few degrees away from the orientation its set to you will also get big offsets or if there is a constant magnetic field close. The vast majority of compass ‘issues’ are simply poor placement. If you have big offsets but the EKF mag innovators are small you should not have any issues. Numbers under about 300 are fairly typical, for bigger numbers its worth checking its mounted straight and AP was able to get the correct orientation.

Few external compasses always show high offsets (even around 800) wherever I place them, but not much magnetic Interference throughout different flights in guided mode

Hi @a_ashur,

I have the same problem as you.

I bought the orange cube with the ADS-B board.
Despite several calibrations nothing works. I crashed my drone.
To try to solve the problem but without success, I changed the order of the compass and disable the cube. Nothing worked. A friend of mine also bought the orange cube and he has exactly the same problems.
Common error messages are EKF variance GPS glitch and missing primary compass value.

I think the problem is in the hardware (both flight controllers were bought in the same period). So I bought a new orange cube and will test it tomorrow.

I am in discussion with Philip Rowse from Cube pilot and for the moment he could not find the source of the problem

Any progress?
I have 2 orange cubes with exceptionally unreliable compass readings. Displaying the same faults.Wondering if its fixable?

Set LOG_DISARMED and provide the .bin log, even with a small flight if you can manage it.
Detail all the connected components.

Thank you for your time!
Rover 4.1
H16 remote and telem.
D435i & T265 running through a pi.
ZED-F9P- both boards only recognize nmea not ubx for some reason? Might be missing something obvious there🤔?
Soom unseen before errors occured on that run pertaining ekf line.

Best regards


I had two problems

First I didn’t disabled the internal compass ( I have a multirotor with the flight controller right in the middle of all the wire) You have to disable it. For that you need to change the COMPASS_TYPEMASK to 96

Before The value of the MAG3 LOG was completely different as the MAG2 and MAG in X and Z

Now I don’t have Mag 3 value.

Second, the value of Bar0 did spring of 8m like shown under.


To try to solve it I enable the TCAL value and then write a value of 1 to the TCAL_EXP


I tried the TCAL but the FC dont remember the value he calculed.

I don’t have a real solution for that problem.

If you find one, tell me please

Hope that help

