I’ve set up optical flow sensor on my quad (3.5"; f405 mini; micoair mtf01) but i’ve run into a problem. data that i get from OF is extremly noisy and i dont really know how to filter it. Here are bin logs where i manually test it (pitch and roll quad with hands). First has 25 Hz of FHLD_FILT_HZ and second log has 50 Hz but i think its unrealted.
1 1-1-1970 3-00-01 AM.bin (614.0 KB)
1 1-1-1970 3-00-01 AM.bin (663.3 KB)
How can i decrease the noise? Thanks!
Additionally can include some in-flight logs if they could be helpful
1 1-1-1970 3-00-01 AM.bin (231.7 KB)
6 1-1-1970 3-00-01 AM.bin (282.2 KB)