Opinion on reversed pitch…

I try tuning new copter … on first take off , the pitch seems reversed…

What do you think …. Reverse pitch in radiocontroller or reverse pitch in arducopter Config ? And of course why ?

Revers the pitch on the Transmitter.

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I am using a RadioMaster T8-Lite to control a new self built drone based on a Mateksys F405-TE board. I can not reverse the pitch from the controller. Is there a way to reverse it from Ardupilot?
Thank you!

Try RC2_REVERSED,1 and Write Parameters. If it doesn’t work get a real radio that runs EdgeTx.

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There is no harm in using the parameter rather than transmitter based reversal.

In fact, many times I prefer to use the onboard autopilot parameters to do so because then I can apply a default mix to any vehicle and manage the behavior on the autopilot itself.

My opinion is that Copter’s default pitch behavior is reversed from most users’ expectations, but it’d be a major breaking change to modify the firmware default at this point.


Thank you. I changed it and it worked perfectly.
The first drone kit I bought came with that radio so I am using it to build this 3D printed DIY drone.
But yes, I am aware it is low cost beginners radio transmitter.

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Agree, do you know the historical reason 2000uS corresponds to nose up?

That was well before my time. And I think changing it would be a huge surprise to long term users. I wouldn’t mind a bit, but I’d hate to see the backlash…

This would be a good thing to change on a major version bump. Most of the other autopilots I’ve used don’t have this quirk. I’m going to go make a wiki PR for that disclaimer to be in bold

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Look good?

Fair enough for now. I’m guessing 15 years ago, someone more versed in video games than aviation made a default that was comfortable for their personal preference, and it just stuck. It’s not the first time such things have happened…my day job sometimes includes combating such mindsets…

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Similar to how the zoom wheel is opposite on google earth web and google earth pro (desktop).

PR is up! => Common: Make it clearer that you reverse pitch by Ryanf55 · Pull Request #5943 · ArduPilot/ardupilot_wiki · GitHub