Open Solo Dev 3.7


O.K. here is the skinny on my problem. My Solo number 5 one of my test vehicles. Stock cube.
I had Open Solo 2.5rc3 on it and all was good. So I thought I would test the new 3.7 dev on it. I loaded Open Solo 3.0 on the controller and copter. Then loaded 3.7dev on the copter and the 3.6/3.7 firmware on the controller. Controller is good I believe but I am suspicious of the copter. Both Solex and Mission Planner indicate the copter has 1.5.4 on it still. I’m also using Solex 1.8.3. My concern is the firmware on solex says the following
Autopilot:1.5.4 Controller:3.0.0 controller f/w: Opensolo - 4dev-33-g0b3465d Vehicle: 3.0.0 Gimbal:. Is this correct or is my Solo really have 1.5.4 on it. I thought I followed the instruction properly and my vehicle was fly fine on Open Solo although it was initially on 2.5rc3. Do I need to wipe and reload 3.7dev? I’m not doing a damn thing until I here back. As always thank you for all the hard work.

P.S. I did not know the best place to post this.

You probably had the same problem Chris Goodall had with file permissions for unknown reasons. I put a new 3.7-dev package up yesterday evening that should address that problem. So refresh the firmware updates and try 3.7-dev again.

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Thank you for the prompt response!!! I did not dare put props on it today.

It would have flown fine on the old firmware still. It just wasn’t loading the new Arducopter firmware.

It worked. Went into never ending disco lights so I gave it like 10 minutes. It shows 3.7 is loaded on it. The LED lights don’t look right though. I think it was 3 blue and one some other color. I’ve got to calibrate compass and IMU. I’ll let you know how it goes. It’s giving me the proper tones like a regular pixhawk and Arducopter firmware give all the vehicles. Thanks again.


Calibrated compass and IMU. Front left LED is red, front right green. And the rears alternate back and forth blue. :sunglasses:

Everything you’re describing is as expected. So you’re good.

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