Omnibus F4 Pro PWM 7 and 8

Is there any trick to make PWM 7 and 8 work on an Omnibus F4 Pro?

From the hwdef file.

Thanks for the response. I have 7 and 8 on the 2 pads and I have configured in mission planner to have 8 pwm outputs but I’m still getting nothing. Is there some other configuration I need to do?

You can check the BRD_PWM_COUNT parameter but the Hwdef file says it’s default 8. 7&8 are on their own timer (tim8). Are you using Dshot by chance?

BRD_PWM COUNT is showing 6 by default. I tried changing it to 8 but that did no good. Not Dshot, regular old simonk. Thanks for the help. I’ll keep searching and playing around with the board to see what I can figure out.

That’s odd. The firmware for Omni F4 Pro has the default at PWM count at 8. But interestingly the firmware labeled Omni F4 (no pro) shows it at 6 as you have found. I would download the firmware for the Pro from the repository and re-flash the board manually in case there was a mix up. Here if you are using current Stable:

Stable didn’t work, still showed 6 pwm. I tried the beta and it shows 8 pwm and motor outputs are good. Only thing is gps serial 3 doesn’t show in missionplanner. There is only serial 1 and serial 2.

Cool. The UART problem is a known issue and will be fixed in the next release. Standby.