Omnibus F4 Nano v6.1 pinout

You are missing a Matek H743-Mini.
Just kidding (kind of)

Did you read the notes here?

I did.

ā€¦ and there and in this thread here SERIAL4 shows up. Might be too dumb to see SERIAL4.

Broodie, who had the same question, seems to have given up.

Maybe get some clues from the HWDEF file:
*use RX3 / TX3 pins as USART3 = SERIAL4 in BRD_ALT_CONFIG = 1

I think the problem is there are several .x versions of this board. Try 4.1-dev firmware.

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@nostromo123 what @dkemxr said. V6.X support only in master as for now, including alt configs for SERIAL4

First of all, thanx. That was fast.

Have to say, I am new to arduplane. 1st was a CC3D mini ā€¦ no problem. 2nd a Matek F405STD ā€¦ no problem.

But I needed another small FC and the CC3Ds are not available any more. Someone recommended the F4 nano, but what a c**p.

Got it now, but I used QGC.

Onboard parameters for Vehicle 1

Stack: ArduPilot
Vehicle: Fixed Wing
Version: 4.1.0 dev
Git Revision: 87564f14

Vehicle-Id Component-Id Name Value Type
1 1 SERIAL0_BAUD 115 6
1 1 SERIAL1_BAUD 57 6
1 1 SERIAL2_BAUD 57 6
1 1 SERIAL3_BAUD 38 6
1 1 SERIAL4_BAUD 38 6

Any recommendation for a small FC to replace that omnibus thing, at the moment I am not happy with it.


see for reference. actually not too many nano size options out there currently. matek has some small footprint H7 controllers coming up, not widely available yet afaik.

what is it you donā€˜t like about the omnibus?

As I suggested, Matek H743-Mini. What doesnā€™t it have is the question.

Maybe I am just missing the Revo mini ā€¦

But besides, would be nice to have a note on that page
about SERIAL4 being only available in latest firmware.

Have to admit, I was nearly giving up with SERIAL4. Then I found this thread here. Reading the posts, my frustration on that omnibus only increased.

But thank you here for giving a hand. br

Just a note that might help a few folks. I set up my Airbot F4nanoV6.1 first on cleanflight with my GPS/compass combo.
In cleanflight, I2C is on the PPM and PB9 pads on one side of the board. The GPS is connected to TX6/RX6 also on pads right next to the I2C pads.
In Ardupilot, the same card, same GPS, the GPS connects to the same TX6/RX6 pads, but the I2C moves to the RX3/TX3 PINS in the triple row of through-holes.

This worked for me and might help you, there are probably other setups but I wasted a few days trying to figure out why I had compass in cleanflight but not when the same hardware was flashed with ardupilot.

I also ended up using the WS2812 (LED) pin as PPM in.

Also thanks to all the folks who commented in this thread, it was very helpful to me.

Hi everybody;

Recently I purchased an ā€œOmnibus F4 nano v6ā€ (Ya, the Airbot sent me a V6.2), a ā€œFlysky FS-i6X Transmitter with iA10B 10CH Receiver - itā€™s a two-way radio transceiverā€ and a ā€œBN-880 GPS+Compass Moduleā€ to upgrade my old Cheerson CX-20 Quad (I wanna keep Motors and ESCs only), but Iā€™m confused how to do the wiring.

Is it possible to have all options at the same time (GPS, Compass, and Telemetry) on this FC?

Any wiring diagram suggestions?

If you do a Google search for ā€œarducopter omnibuss f4 nanoā€ the top link thatā€™s returned is the Wiki entry.

If you mean this:, this is for V6, not V6.x

That link is for:

Omnibus F4 Nano V6 and V6.x

Omni F4 nano

Is anyone using the SmartAudio or CameraCOntrol pads for anything? AFAICT they are not in the .hwdef. I want to use them as additional PWM outputs.

Iā€™m new to mission planner and ardupilot so bought an Omnibus F4 nano v6.2 as its cheap to experiment with.

I have a DSM2 spektrum RC remote receiver from a AR6200 unit which I have connect to GND, 3.3v and WS2812 (Black, Orange, Grey).

I have set on SERIAL1,2,4 :
Baud to 115
Protocol to 23
Options to 0

I am not getting any joy in making the Spektrum receiver do anything. It momentarily blinks its orange light on powering up the omnibus but I cant get the bind DSM2 to work in Radio Calibration.

Serial 3 is connected to Ardusimple F9P using pads TX6 & RX6 - this is working fine and Iā€™m getting GPS.

Iā€™m using Rover 4.1.0 OFFICIAL and Mission Planner 1.3.75

Are there any other config options I should be looking at?

Turns out the transmitter I was using was DSMX and the EU in all there wisdom decided to make it illegal for DSM2 to work with DSMX. The rest of the world is fine.

I got the receiver paired with a DSM2 radio then moved the remote receiver to the Omnibus and connected it to WS2812 and I can read inputs from the radio.


I connected an ESP8266-01 (mavlink2 support over Wi-Fi) to RX3/TX3 (Serial4) as telemetry on V6.1, and it works sweet!

*GPS/compass to RX6/TX6-PPM/PB9, BRD_ALT_CONFIG = 1

I managed to knock a component off my new board, I was wondering if someone could tell me what it is and provide a reading if possible. Thanks

Hi All!
I wonder if we add a simplest hardware inverter on RX1 pin could we get an additional UART (RX1/TX1) then? I need it for a companion computer. Thanks.

I can confirm that it works. Iā€™ve made a minor tweak of the DroneBridge/ESP32 project (Iā€™m using it for telemetry) to invert TX line of the UART output and connect TX of ESP32 (inverted) to RX1 of the FC and RX of ESP32 to TX1 of the FC and telemetry is working well. Thus Iā€™ve got RX3/TX3 (Serial4) for another purpose (Raspberry Pi in my case). Probably it will help somebody. Good luck!