Old pixhawk could still be useful?

Hi, i have and old pixhawk 1, like the one in the image and I want to start a vtol project with an skywalker x8 wing, so my question is if I can still use this board without any problem for autonomous flight mainly for photogrammetric surveys? Also to use it with an electric heli?

It’s probably a 1Mb board so it will be feature limited. I wouldn’t start a new project with it. Go for a modern H7 based flight controller.

Functional? Yes.

Worthwhile? …debatable…and I side with @dkemxr’s opinion on that one.

What board would you recommend to me? Consider that I am on a tight budget and 300+$ for a board could be out of my reach.

It would be nice to have a board compatible with all the peripherals that came with that Pixhawk 1, since I have all of them: GPS, safety switch, buzzer, current sensor, pitot tube, etc.

Thank you for your response BTW!

Matek H743 series or QioTek ZealotH743 for the lowest priced, fully featured options.

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