Offboard control

Maybe a dumb question since I could not find any further instructions - does Arducopter have an equivalent flight mode comparable to the PX4 “Offboard” mode which allows to control the drone by a companion computer eg using MavROS while still be able to take back control by RC in case of emergency?

Take a look at the wiki
And to drone kit python:


Yes, the equivalent mode is guided mode : . And we are working with MavROS too !

Thanks! I will dig into this.
I am looking into recreating the Nvidia redtail project, which uses the PX4 stack in conjunction with MavROS.

I want to understand if I need to switch to PX4 or if I can realize that project with Arducopter instead.

Someone worked on it at the latest GSOC

Thank you this is the information I was looking for!
Since I have no experience with PX4 I would prefer if I could stay with Arducopter moving forward with this project :slight_smile: