January 28, 2019, 4:20pm
Maybe a dumb question since I could not find any further instructions - does Arducopter have an equivalent flight mode comparable to the PX4 “Offboard” mode which allows to control the drone by a companion computer eg using MavROS while still be able to take back control by RC in case of emergency?
January 28, 2019, 4:34pm
January 28, 2019, 7:29pm
Yes, the equivalent mode is guided mode : . And we are working with MavROS too !
January 28, 2019, 8:54pm
Thanks! I will dig into this.
I am looking into recreating the Nvidia redtail project, which uses the PX4 stack in conjunction with MavROS.
// Copyright (c) 2017, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.
// Full license terms provided in file.
px4_controller ROS node. Implements simple waypoint based controller for PX4/Mavros flightstack.
It accepts input from either game controllers (Xbox and Shield) or from DNN that decides
what direction the drone should fly. Once control signal is received it sets a waypoint at the
right distance in correct direction. Also, allows finer grain controls over drone position.
Authors/maintainers: Nikolai Smolyanskiy, Alexey Kamenev
#include "px4_controller/px4_controller.h"
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <mavros_msgs/ParamGet.h>
#include <mavros_msgs/ParamSet.h>
namespace px4_control
This file has been truncated. show original
I want to understand if I need to switch to PX4 or if I can realize that project with Arducopter instead.
January 28, 2019, 9:56pm
Someone worked on it at the latest GSOC
In our previous blog post we discussed the hardware design and started porting the original Redtail project to support ArduPilot. Since we have upgraded the control method for Redtail controller and the simulation stack for trail following.
Redtail controller:
In the original Redtail project, px4’s waypoint navigation ability was used for navigation: in each frame, TrailNet CNN selects a new rotation angle based on the current heading of drone, and they woul…
January 28, 2019, 10:36pm
Thank you this is the information I was looking for!
Since I have no experience with PX4 I would prefer if I could stay with Arducopter moving forward with this project