Obtain optical flow in mavros with high frequency

Hi guys.

I am using an optical flow with ArduCopter and I can see the quadrotor obtains the optical flow data in MissionPlanner.

But I failed to obtain it in mavros using apm.launch.

I would like to ask

  • how to obtain the data in mavros?
  • how to increase the frequency of optical flow in mavros? Because its frequency in MissionPlanner is less than I expected?


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Hi Jai.

Thanks for your reply.

I found the frequency of OPTICAL_FLOW is under control of SR1_EXTRA3.

Do you think it is possible to increase the frequency to be more than 50Hz?

I am not a developer of the Ardupilot firmware, so you cannot take my yes or no as the answer.

But thanks so much for your help. I think I can at lease get 50Hz of Optical flow ;).

Does anyone know how to obtain optical flow data in mavros?

I believe you have search half of the internet.

My understanding is others use a camera + map at companion computers, didn’t use the flight controller optical flow sensor data.

Thanks so much for your reply.

I though it was something wrong with settings for ArduCopter or mavros…

I dont understand

others use a camera + map at companion computers

could you please explain a little more?

We didn’t develop it. We are a user. It is on the PX4 stack. It plans to be the world skill competition drone. But due to C19, it has shelf the idea for a few years already. It uses Aruco map for indoor navigation. It uses a Pi as the companion computer. I am trying to set up a similar reusing the camera hardware for Arducopter but now stuck at the camera software interface to the openCV. I am too lazy to redo the various calibrations, hoping to reuse their calibrated data. I am using ROS 2 Humble.

Thanks so much for your response.

Hope the feature will be added later.