Obstacle avoidance in auto mode for rover

I am currently able to hookup a range finder to pixhawk by using this sensorhttps://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-rangefinder-gy-us42.html. I need the rover to just stop when an obstacle is detected and continue back mission in when the obstacle is removed.

I set all the parameter according to this Simple Object Avoidance — Rover documentation . But i cannot find AVOID_BEHAVE parameter in mission planner. Currently dont need to have complex avoidance like * BendyRuler Path Planning Around Obstacles and Fences

Please advice is i miss anything in the setting.

Attached below is my setting file:
Rover.param (14.8 KB)

Sonar range is detected:

Thanks in advance.

Refresh your parameters after enabling simple avoidance.

I performed reboot on pixhawk after enable Complete Parameter List — Rover documentation avoid parameter , but it rover still moving after it sonar range detect range of 2 meter. …

What mode are you in? Avoidance doesn’t work in manual mode.