Notice - A $2?9 Mini Android Controller from SIYI - 10 KM Range @ 1080P 180 ms, 8-core CPU

@SIYI, @rickyg32… I would like to know that MK15 connected to MISSION PLANNER via udp/usb tethering has how much latency in VIDEO STREAMING? The picture shows data/video streaming in a tablet (using qgc) but i would like to hear regarding video streaming in mission planner.
Yasir Khizar

Thanks for your post, Yasir. We will test it out for you very soon.

the Skydroid products, which compete with Siyi products, use 2.4ghz as it’s link between transmitter and receiver. This is a problem for a few reasons - it’s the same frequency as bluetooth, so the bluetooth range to a ground station laptop is really bad - anything over one meter is unreliable. And if you use a wifi hotspot to get the ground station laptop online, it also uses 2.4ghz. It’s a bad idea to have so many important communications happening near each other at the same frequency.

the gain on a small 2.4ghz antenna is half the gain of the same size antenna at 5.8ghz.

and the higher frequency of 5.8ghz with the increased available bandwidth of that band means that 5.8ghz radios can use more bandwidth, giving more throughput.

5.8ghz seems like a much better choice than 2.4ghz for a new rc platform.

@SIYI, thaaaanks… Though i have placed the order for MK15 and will receive in few daz, yet i am eager to hear about that… Connecting to mission planner with both video and telemetry data @ low latency wud be of a great benefit…
Yasir Khizar

I assume that your MISSION PLANNER is running in Windows, right? And you want Datalink/Telemery and Video Stream to both GCS, QGC on MK15 Android and MP on Windows.

Unfortunately the default MK15 interface does not support such application.
For Datalink to both GCS, we need a special firmware to use one of the DATA port to send Datalink to MP on Windows.
For Video Stream, MK15 HDMI output sends stream to a monitor but not to MP, so we need to develop an Ethernet port on transmitter to do so. That’s not easy.
The USD port delivers video to Android only.
And if we use WiFi hotspot to send data and video, range of the system will be affected very much. So it is not a good idea.

Would you mind introducing a little more about such application, please?

Hi, thanks for your reply…
So, we can only connect MK15 to other GCS (running android only) and have it working for qgc software? The connection to be made is wifi hotspot or usb tethering? Moreover the hdmi out port only replicates the MK15 screen, right?
Regarding Mission Planner, we have been using herelink in our multicopter systems and herelink has the ability to connect to other gcs running Mission Planner/QGC (windows/android) via hotspot/usb tethering. Since we have been using Mission Planner for long time, we have modified the application i.e. interface as per our requirements such as ON-SCREEN CAMERA CONTROL, etc… Thats why, i was interested to have access to Mission Planner via MK15.
Yasir Khizar

You can have QGC working on MK15 and MP working on windows, both can receive data. Data to MP through DATA port.

  • Firmware development required, there is no schedule at this moment.

MK15 supports two video stream. So from HDMI output you can have the same MK15 screen or another video stream (from the second camera).

adding an ethernet port for video streaming is the hard way. using an HDMI capture device is the easy way. same results. I would try it the easy way first if I were you.

@SIYI, Please tell whether we can connect MK15 to other GCS (Android based Tab) via hotspot running QGC and can we stream video/data?
Yasir Khizar

I’m afraid that it sounds no difference to connect other GCS on Windows, same problem.
As explained, hotspot is not a good solution.

I’m sure that we can come up with better ideas. Will update as soon as we got it.

Ahhhh… ok
Yasir Khizar

Dear SIYI do you plan to release only video transmitter or telemetry and video transmitter. The best option will be something like that with integrated video stream:

There are a few other products that Frank hasn’t mentioned.
This for instance.

Not sure this is what your after…but it is another piece of kit they carry.

Hello Everyone,

I finally got a full-function set of MK15 radio system on hands. And I cannot wait to sharing anything I can with the community. Please feel free to ask me anything.

Let’s start with an overview of the system.

MK15 Spec Sheet



Ports - Bottom

Ports - Top

Close-up - Joystick

Close-up - Buttons

Close-up - Dial and 3-Stage Switch

This looks great.
Some folks will be wondering if you can get it with the sticks modified to work in the american hand. Mode 2 where the left stick can go all the way down. Thats the norm here in North America.

1 Like

Thanks for asking.
If you don’t want to modify the throttle joystick by yourself, then it is very necessary to tell SIYI to do it before delivery.

Thank you Frank. Is it an easy mod to make. Is there a mod kit like springs that come with the unit.

The minimum input voltage on air unit of 6S, 25.2 V is uncommon for hobby equipment and some people will struggle with this. Is this accurate?