Not getting CAN ESC Telemetry data using Hobbywing X6 Plus Motor + ESC Combo

I have been trying to setup ESC Telemetry of Hobbywing X6 Plus Motor with Mission Planner but I am not getting any success in it.
I have followed the exact steps that are mentioned in Ardupilot documentation for setting up Hobbywing ESC with autopilot using CAN. I have succeeded in getting the telemetry values by changing the baud rate of each ESC to 1000000 in CAN GUI Tool but I am not getting anything in Mission Planner.

Also I want to check if anything shows in the logs regarding the telemetry.

Please help me to find the solution for this.

Thank You!!

Hello @dhruv11,

Did you solve the problem?

I have the same issue. I can set baud rate, Node ID and throttle ID in the Drone CAN GUI Tool, and I can see the telemetry data in the Drone CAN GUI Tool. But the motor is still beeping and cannot receive any data in Mission Planner.

Just update to latest version of arducopter, also I am not using CAN for motor signal, I am using CAN just for ESC Telemetry data.
After updating to latest version I got the ESC data. Also be careful while setting throttle ID and node ID.