Not arming copter with rudder

I can arm with a switch but when i try to arm with rudder it dosent arm.I set arming rudder to 2.
Im using copter 4.54.Had no problems until I used auto tune.BUT,I reset to no autotune…
Calibrated radio. NO ERRORS.Checked motors,they spin in coreect direction.

Check for radio trims that were inadvertently used.

What do you mean?How to check trims.
In mission planner or radio?

On the radio. What kind of radio are you using?

The radio is a jumper T16.everything worked perfectly before the auto tune.
I used channel 6 with a switch for autotune.

Set LOG_DISARMED to 1 and try again. Share the log file here.

I did set LOG_Arm to 1.
Still could not arm by rudder.
Arm by switch ok,arm in mission planner action tab ok.

SOLVED arming with rudder. I did the dumbest thing you can do.
The rudder stick wasnt moving to its full extent. adjusted stick length and everything is fine.
Thanks allister for your help.

Set LOG_DISARMED back to 0 or your SD card is going to get filled.

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| Allister Allister Schreiber
June 25 |

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Set LOG_DISARMED back to 0 or your SD card is going to get filled.

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I did set log_disarm to 0.
Thanks for reminding me.
Have a great day!