Hi everyone,
I’m trying to set up a remote connection from Mission Planner to my Orange Cube wing (Plane v.4.4) using Holybro 915 telemetry.
I press “Connect” in Mission Planner, but after 30 seconds of waiting for the timeout, I receive the error “No Heartbeat packets received”
Both radio modules appear to be configured correctly, I am able to get the settings for the ground and air modules through the “SIK radio” menu in the mission planner (both modules have a green LED constantly lit, also red LED on both modules also blink when you click on “Load Settings” in Sik radio menu.
I tried connecting to the telem1 and telem2 ports - there is no difference. at the same time, other peripherals (like micro osd or elrs radio) work correctly on these ports.
SERIAL1 and SERIAL2 settings are standard, configured for 57600 baud rate and Mavlink protocol.
Radio wiring seems to be matching with telem1 port in Orange Cube docs.
Do you have ideas what can be wrong and how can I connect? Attaching screenshots with the errors and settings.
Thank you in advance.
I also tried to connect to QGroundControl same way - and it’s not working there too.
I also tried another radio (holybro 915 and fpv telemetry 433)
[D] at D:\a\qgroundcontrol\qgroundcontrol\src\comm\LinkManager.cc:881 - “allocateMavlinkChannel 4”
[D] at D:\a\qgroundcontrol\qgroundcontrol\src\comm\SerialLink.cc:209 - “open failed “Access is denied.” QSerialPort::PermissionError “sik2” autconnect: true”
[D] at D:\a\qgroundcontrol\qgroundcontrol\src\comm\LinkManager.cc:891 - “freeMavlinkChannel 4”