Nose dipping (pitch down) during yaw or high wind situations

Hello, having problem in stabilized mode, where drone nose suddenly dips during yawing then there is momentum in any direction(yawing in hover seems to be stable) or high winds. Dont know if its entirely yaw related, but its the easiest way to reproduce the behavior.
Also it switches to EKF failsafe after landing/disarm, might or might not be related.

Hardware - 10" quad, 3110 900KV motors, Skystars H7 HD FC.
SW - tried with 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, dev, all exhibit same problem.

Tried with different FC (same model), tuning according to wiki’s manual tuning procedure, resetting parameters, recalibrating accelerometer.
Attached log are with MPs “initial configuration” parameters for 10" props.

Any pointers on where i should start trying to address this problem would be appreciated.

Lowered yaw P and MA to 2 and 10000 respectively, now pitching down is a lot harder to provoke and is not as severe.