No waf folder under modules

Im trying to build ArduCopter using waf for a simulation, but it seems that it’s expecting there to be some sort of /waf directory wich isn’t there.

niko5462@DESKTOP-A62H4CK:~/github/P7-CUBE-TRACKnFOLLOW/ardupilot-master/Tools/autotest$ python -v ArduCopter --console --map
SIM_VEHICLE: Killing tasks
SIM_VEHICLE: Starting up at SITL location
SIM_VEHICLE: Configure waf
SIM_VEHICLE: “/home/niko5462/github/P7-CUBE-TRACKnFOLLOW/ardupilot-master/modules/waf/waf-light” “configure” “–board” “sitl”
[Configure waf] An exception has occurred with command: ‘/home/niko5462/github/P7-CUBE-TRACKnFOLLOW/ardupilot-master/modules/waf/waf-light configure --board sitl’
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: ‘/home/niko5462/github/P7-CUBE-TRACKnFOLLOW/ardupilot-master/modules/waf/waf-light’
SIM_VEHICLE: Killing tasks

Am i missing some files in my setup?


What instructions did you follow ? It looks like you have download the zip from github and this won’t work .
Please follow instructions at : Building the code — Dev documentation

Hello again.

Yes thank you this worked. But we have a University project where we want to alternate some of the code. How do we do that if were using your repository. I can’t imagine that we are allowed to push the changes.

Maybe creating another branch?

Thank you for your time!

Well, the best will be to learn to use git : some pointers here Downloading the Code / Using Git — Dev documentation

As in forking your repository, or how would you recomend it?