No throttle sent to ESC on channel 8

I just watched Chris videos and fallowed his steps! your right I may need to re tune all settings!

please tell me the right values for the parameters I need to change…

here is the full parameters list, on the right side when I open the drop box it giving me many of Trad Heli 36… which one to pick?

I appreciate your help!!


Like I said in my previous post, the easiest thing to do is to load the default parameters in mission planner through the full parameter list window.
Chris’s videos are great for the mechanical set up of your system but in order to tune the PIDs, you need to follow the wiki on tuning the helicopter

Choose this one

I am sorry Bill, Here is the parameter file, I saved and uploaded here

I thought the same about using mission planner to tune the Heli!!

its so complicated for me!

Thank you
Ozzyparameters.param (14.3 KB)

here is what I get when I picked the TradHeli_Copter36_Setup-MP.param

Just click ok. To those messages and then click continue. After the pop-up screen goes away then click on write parameters button on the left

yes I clicked ok and I get


thank you Ozzy

Yes, after clicked on write params

the green is gone!

so basically; when I picked the TradHeli_Copter36_Setup-MP.param

I clicked the load presaved then the window showed me the green bars

then I clicked ok, the green is gone then I clicked write params

am I doing it right ?

Edit; when I disconnect the mission planer and reconnect, I see the (3DR_lins+_AC34 param) and don’t see the TradHeli_Copter36_Setup-MP.param

how to save the TradHeli_Copter36_setup-param ?
here is the new param file, I closed the mission planer, reopen it and connect to Pixhawk then uploaded the new Param
new param.param (14.3 KB)

Thank you

It looks like the heli params are now in your file.

great! is there any changes I need to do to my new params? before my first take off?

I know I have to Waite till July -15 for the new parts to arrive!

but from now to then… any suggestion on tuning the new params?

also do you suggest to switch from Auto to stab during the flight?

or let say from ALt-hod to Atab or Po-hold etc…

because I used to have problem dropping in pitch and the heli dive down if change the switch!

only of I adjust the collective pitch to the middle before the change, and waite 5 second looks like the heli stay same alt!!

also the Hold-Pos mode looks like not holding the potion at all !!! and the ALt mode not holding the heli in alt!

maybe that all gone after updating the new setting today!

Thank you very much for sharing your experiences!!
you helped me a lot!


Don’t try any GPS modes until you have confirmed that the helicopter is flying well in stabilized mode. It should be rock solid.
Spent the time reading through all the docs on ardupilot site and watch Chris’ videos. (You can skip the throttle curve one). Read the tuning document…it might take 3-4 read throughs to get the idea. Study the parameters and know where to look for them and what values to expect.

1 Like

Do you mean disconnect the GPS cables ?
But what about the internal GPS?

I am defiantly going to read all these pages and make sure I am ready?

Don’t want another crash!

Also will attach all the Params again just in case so your guys can help me see any out of range value

I really want to fly this thing nice !!!:frowning:
Thank you

No, he doesn’t mean to disconnect the GPS. There are flight modes that require GPS to work but they also provide higher level of automation from the flight controller. So you don’t want to fly in those flight modes until you have got Stabilize working properly.

Got you, you mean fly with ACRO mode or Stab till everything looks good!

Bill, am I have to tune the new parameters that I just uploaded yesterday ?

You asked me to upload and write the new tradheli_copter 36_setup-PM.param

Do you still want me to change any value or any parameter you belive need to be changed ?

Thank you

Just fly it very carefully in Acro or Stab and afterwards download the log and post here.

Hint: Your log should start with the actual date flown.
Your last posted log started with “2017-05-01 […]”, which is most likely not the last one…

The plan is; after updating the parameters and using the TradHeli_Copter36_Setup-MP.param

Install anti crash skids balls, and hover it in stab mode, once it’s stable and good, switch to althold, and once it’s good enough will try AUTO mission flight !

I want to try if I switch between ALT hold to STAB mode dose the heli dive !? Or stay without pitch effectiveness!!!

I had problem when I change from modes the pitch change to negative and the heli drop fast!!

Regard the logs I uploaded it above; it read the date I saved it first I tuned my heli based on Chris videos, but the uploaded parameters for the crash flight was July/10/2019 6:00 pm

I am now updated the parameters to TradHeli_Copter36_Setup-MP.param

And written down and saved it! Hope that will solve the swinging problem!

Thank you !


Just use Acro or Stab and post your logs.
No Alt-Hold
No Auto

And post the logs afterwards.
There is a considerable amount of work (think in weeks!) before we tuned your setup for other flight modes.

Fi156, I am exactly doing this, I don’t want another crash, it cost me time and $$

today I complete the repairs and installed back the unit after calibrating everything from the beginning…

like what Bill suggested; I uploaded the TradHeli_copter36_setup.Mp.param
write and saved it.

EDIT; I was reading all over the posts and collecting information regard tuning the PID and after the first hover; there was good amount of shaking, so I reduced the values of the P and the I

it was easy to fly it with ATC_RAT_PIT_VFF = .08 very smooth but it didn’t hold the position good and drifting was the big deal

then I changed it up to .09
now the heli is more stable but its robotic, when I release the Pitch stick back to its center position the heli shake a little bit trying to stay there !

I tried to increase the value of the Pitch_I to 0.1 but it make it worse !
also tried to increase the D to .04 but no hope… I see Chris recommend keep the values of both PIT_VFF and PIT_I the same but I couldn’t do that !

do you suggest any changes to these values?

I now Have +11 degrees pitch (stick on top)
~+5.3 degrees stick in (middle)
-3.00 degrees stick (down)

I also set the H_LAND_COL_MIN = 100
IM_STAB_COL_2= 550
IM_STAB_COL_3= 650

and the collective pre-comp = -3.0 as of my tail blades spin counterclockwise was not working so I had to change it to +3.0

I am still reading here and there and checking every post to educate myself with this matter…

please if you have any add or changes to my parameters or PID please tell me to do it…

I appreciate all help
my today logs here and the new Parameters here also parameters of July 23 2019 new.param (14.0 KB)


I will try to look at these later tonight.

How did you arrive at 75000 for accel_P_max and accel_R_max?

So what made you change the VFF gains? By the way, the aircraft will not hold position in stabilize flight mode. this is a basic flight mode that only holds attitude. and the robotic feel sounds about right based on your INPUT_TC and accel_max params. to soften the response of the aircraft you would have to set INPU_TC higher and lower the accel_max params.

So let’s back up. You took off with default settings and got lots of shaking. My suggestion would be to zero all P and D gains for pitch and roll.

With the tail, it sounds like the precomp factor caused some issues. Once you fixed that, did the tail behave better with no oscillations?

I will look at the logs tonight. But my thoughts are that you revert the gains for pitch and roll back to the defaults that I had you load from the file and just zero P and D gains. See if that eliminates the shaking in pitch and roll. If you still have oscillations with just the I gain. then there will be other changes to be made. But I would like to try zeroing P and D gains first.