so Better to download the 3.6.7 since its free of problems and don’t really need 4 servos!
I installed the Qgroundcontrol in my PC and connected the pixhawk into the SUB
clicked the frimawre then on the right giving me two options;
Ardupilot flight stack
pix4 flight stak v1.9.1 stable release
down there is a chibios and nuttx
and I see only arduheli 3.6.9 I don’t see 3.6.7!
and down select what version of the above flight stack you would like to install
and choices ;
standard version stable
beta testing beta
developer build master
The firmware will still identify in the summay as 3.6.9 so you don’t get complaints from QGC about running outdated firmware. But in the logs I can identify it as ArduHeli 3.6.7 so if you have a problem I can tell what firmware version you got.
I’m not sure what the problem is, but the firmware version has nothing to with connecting with MavLink. I run the 3.6.7 version and connect to it with MavLink all the time.
I spend few days looking to solve the mavlink connection problem!
finally what I did is to Uninstall the driver then restart my PC and everything looks perfect!
I had my very first hover flight today in stabilize mode and its good but its forcing me when I want to move my cyclic sticks… and start swinging back and forth ! and very hard to tilt it left or right!
like a coax heli!
maybe that is the tuning job
but I have a message says ; parameters are missing from frimware. you may be running a version of frimware QGC does not working correctly with or your frimare ha s a bug in it.
missing parameters : 1- AUTOTUNE_AXES
dose that mean I need to redo all the frimware flashing and the reinstalling?
yes I re-watched Chris’s video again and this time I think I had it right, I had to keep my pitch stick in middle in both stab and ALThold when I setup the Max, 0, Min value -.25, 0.00, +11
I also find when I tested in 5 min flight ; I had to leave the heli at the last position for few seconds before I can switch between modes, otherwise will drop fast!
now the time for the AUTO mission planning flight! Auto take off, waypoints and auto land!!
can’t wait till then!
by the way do you set your battery fail safe page ? I just don’t know how to
since I am using 2s 4000 Mah battery for electronics and 6s 5000 mah for motor!
its so grate to to see people like you and Chris helping others !
My IM_STAB_COL look different on my TR600. 1=0, 2=600, 3=650, 4=1000. The Heli is heavy loaded with camera gear and batteries.
Regarding Battery fail safe.
I do not have Battery FS because I plan my mission inside the time my Batteries will last. FS is set for signal los only. But if I lose signal during mission I have set to finish the mission first. After my last way-point I have set RTL with Auto-Land, always. Chris never does Auto-lands!
Auto-take off is a NO-NO for me. It is a brutal shooting up into the air. I never do!
Good Luck.
At landing started to swinging again and about 10 feet above ground start swinging really bad and I had to change to Stab mode to recovered but it went down so fast and crashed !!
Total loss $200.00
Blades, tail blades, front gears rear gears bearing, shaft …
Don’t know if it CG off little bit and that was cause the swinging !!!
I see people do auto mission and their landing straight down !!!
Also when it change between waypoints; it dose not do that in right way !!
She fly to the next point and fly backward then yaw then do the same with the next heading !!!
Sounds like Pixhawk is more complicated than what I was thinking !!
Here some hints what might be better working.
WP_YAW_BEHAVIOR I have set to = 3
RTL_ALT =1500 ( to return above Trees, in case)
It will than take the speed going down from the WPNAV_SPEED_DN settings
RTL_ALT_FINAL =0 the Heli will auto-land, if you which.
Sorry for your crash.
M_STAB_COL_2 400 d% is your value. I believe that is the reason it crashed.
Hovering below 50% Stick is only if you have a over powered Heli.
If you hovering above 50% Throttle stick you must set M_STAB_CPL_2 above 500 or it does exactly what I have seen in your video.
I hope you have not set H_LAND_COL_MIN to =0 That also smashes the Heli into the ground. I have set to 140. Chris is explaining that at the beginning of tape 2