No GPS without a logical reason

Hello everybody,

A few days ago we had a vtol with arduplane 4.3.7 running with a here3+ and a here2 as gps signal source. We wanted to upgrade the here2 for a second here3+. For no apparent reason everything has stopped working. The error we got is GPS: No GPS. The logical idea is to go back to a previous configuration and repeat the parameter configuration steps until we find the error. We have tried to do a clean install of the vtol profile, update the bootloader, update the here3+ fw and we get no change. In fact we can’t update the here3+ fw as indicated in the manual, the current version is 1.3.4AB183F6.
We are currently trying to get the “No GPS” error to go away with a single Here. The cables are apparently fine (they haven’t suffered any damage, knocks or similar). In fact, we have tried both Here3+ as it is rare for two to be damaged at the same time.
We use an Cube Orange+ and a Here3+ as mentioned above. When connected to MP we can see the following (to take these screenshots we have the cube connected to the pc and the here3+ connected to the CAN1 only):


and UAVCAN menu:

We don’t know how to check if something has happened physically, some burnt component (cube, here3+…) although we have no reason to think that this could have happened. The CAN port detects the devices, even if we connect a Pitot tube we get an airspeed reading.
We have also tried to include a delay of 5000 ms without any change.


In terms of configuration we have followed the manuals and have had the vtol working satisfactorily. We don’t know what has changed but it is frustrating. We don’t know what else to try as even with the old configuration it doesn’t detect GPS or get rid of the No GPS message.

Parameter file attached:
paramfile.param (20.5 KB)

Thanks in advance.