NO GPS message with DP0501 RTK GNSS

I am trying to set up two DP0501 RTK GNSS u
NOGPS.param (16.7 KB)
nits onboard my heavylift drone project.
No matter what params i change i simply cannot get the GPS to even get to a “NO FIX” state in mission planner.
Ive started with just one gps plugged into GPS2 port on the Cube Orange Mini carrier board (wiring is correct). I can connect through usb to U-Center so i know the unit is working, ive also tried another Cube Orange and it’s the same.

In messages tab its repeating this: EKF3 waiting for GPS config data

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!

Attached is the param file. (keep in mind this param file is basically untouched except the gps settings)

I’m not familiar with that model, but it looks like it should work with the following parameters for a single GPS connected to the GPS2 port:


Double check that you have TX<->RX and RX<->TX wiring. Many, many folks get that incorrect, even when they swear they’ve double checked it.

After changing those params and triple checking the wiring, the EKF messege is gone but still getting GPS: NO GPS

NO FIX is far better than NO GPS. It means the module is detected.

Go outside and it should start acquiring satellites.

Sorry i edited it there, My brain wanted to see no fix haha. its still no gps

What else do the boot messages say? The nag message should persist if no GPS is detected.

01/03/2024 00:58:31 : PreArm: Compass not calibrated
01/03/2024 00:58:31 : PreArm: 3D Accel calibration needed
01/03/2024 00:58:31 : PreArm: Hardware safety switch
01/03/2024 00:58:31 : PreArm: RC not found
01/03/2024 00:58:00 : PreArm: Compass not calibrated
01/03/2024 00:58:00 : PreArm: 3D Accel calibration needed
01/03/2024 00:58:00 : PreArm: Hardware safety switch
01/03/2024 00:58:00 : PreArm: RC not found
01/03/2024 00:57:29 : PreArm: Compass not calibrated
01/03/2024 00:57:29 : PreArm: 3D Accel calibration needed
01/03/2024 00:57:29 : PreArm: Hardware safety switch
01/03/2024 00:57:29 : PreArm: RC not found
01/03/2024 00:56:58 : PreArm: Compass not calibrated
01/03/2024 00:56:58 : PreArm: 3D Accel calibration needed
01/03/2024 00:56:58 : PreArm: Hardware safety switch
01/03/2024 00:56:58 : PreArm: RC not found
01/03/2024 00:56:36 : EKF3 IMU0 MAG0 initial yaw alignment complete
01/03/2024 00:56:36 : EKF3 IMU2 MAG0 initial yaw alignment complete
01/03/2024 00:56:36 : EKF3 IMU1 MAG0 initial yaw alignment complete
01/03/2024 00:56:36 : EKF3 IMU2 tilt alignment complete
01/03/2024 00:56:36 : EKF3 IMU1 tilt alignment complete
01/03/2024 00:56:36 : EKF3 IMU0 tilt alignment complete
01/03/2024 00:56:35 : EKF primary changed:1
01/03/2024 00:56:35 : AHRS: EKF3 active
01/03/2024 00:56:35 : EKF3 IMU2 initialised
01/03/2024 00:56:35 : EKF3 IMU1 initialised
01/03/2024 00:56:35 : EKF3 IMU0 initialised
01/03/2024 00:56:33 : RCOut: PWM:1-14
01/03/2024 00:56:33 : AHRS: DCM active
01/03/2024 00:56:33 : ArduPilot Ready
01/03/2024 00:56:32 : Initialising ArduPilot
01/03/2024 00:56:32 : Barometer 2 calibration complete
01/03/2024 00:56:32 : Barometer 1 calibration complete
01/03/2024 00:56:31 : Frame: OCTAQUAD/X
01/03/2024 00:56:31 : RCOut: Initialising
01/03/2024 00:56:31 : CubeOrange 003E0039 31305102 30343339
01/03/2024 00:56:31 : ChibiOS: 17a50e3a
01/03/2024 00:56:31 : ArduCopter V4.4.4 (db53a28f)
01/03/2024 00:56:31 : Frame: OCTAQUAD/X
01/03/2024 00:56:31 : RCOut: Initialising
01/03/2024 00:56:31 : CubeOrange 003E0039 31305102 30343339
01/03/2024 00:56:31 : ChibiOS: 17a50e3a
01/03/2024 00:56:31 : ArduCopter V4.4.4 (db53a28f)
01/03/2024 00:56:31 : Frame: OCTAQUAD/X
01/03/2024 00:56:31 : RCOut: Initialising
01/03/2024 00:56:31 : CubeOrange 003E0039 31305102 30343339
01/03/2024 00:56:31 : ChibiOS: 17a50e3a
01/03/2024 00:56:31 : ArduCopter V4.4.4 (db53a28f)
01/03/2024 00:56:30 : Calibrating barometer

Im aware about the compass, accel and gyros

Humor me and swap the RX and TX wires.

Just tried setting the uart bitmask to swap rxtx if thats the same as actually physically swapping. Bit of a pain to swap as it is a premade harness


Excuse the ratsnest, only started wiring yesterday and alot more to go in!

I think your wiring is correct. Set the bitmask to 0.

Have you changed anything in uCenter?

Ive messed around with some stuff which didnt work so i reset it to defaults (and verified all my changes were gone) a have another gps unit as you can see in that pic, same issue with that one. really has me stumped

Reboot and save your current parameters. Share that file.

Also, be 100% sure that anything you did in uCenter is gone and that the module is at defaults. Too many users make some fundamental flub and then try to fix what isn’t broken in uCenter, which makes everything monumentally worse.

NOGPS bkup.param (16.7 KB)

Will go through it all again, just to be absolutly certain but im pretty sure its all gone

We can also try connecting to Telem2 (which should be the same pinout) and setting SERIAL2_PROTOCOL,5 to rule out a UART/hardware failure.

When you change the SERIALx_PROTOCOL parameters, it’s good practice to remove and reapply power to be 100% sure the changes have taken.

Just tried that there, still the same unfortunately - with a hard reboot after param change

Wait 5 mins with power on.

Might help to do some basic calibration and eliminate those nag warnings. I don’t think they preclude sensor detection, but there’s no sense having a position fix if the orientation isn’t even calibrated.

Did a quick and dirty accel cal there, can’t do compass yet as its not plugged in. avbay is on my desk here with usb and lipo plugged in

Not entirely sure what else to tell you. uBlox modules usually work straight away with minimal hassle.

Your first shared parameter file had incorrect settings. Thereafter, I see no glaring issues other than the fact that you have done something in uCenter that could be impacting results.

I hope you aren’t expecting a moving baseline config out of this in the end. I’m not aware of an M8 module that supports it, and even if there is a variant that does, the M8 series is notoriously poor performing when it comes to RTK.