I can’t get an amp reading with the Cube & a MAUCH Sensor. I’ve wired it correctly and entered the manual calibration numbers that came with it into battery monitor tab. I can only get a Voltage measurement, and calculated battery percentage always stays at 99% battery. See pics below. What could that be?
What flight controller.
I have that on a Pixracer…drove me to drink till I found out the Pixracer had to many devices plugged in that drew power. When I started to unplug things AMP readings started.
Since you can read both voltage and current, it seems more like a GCS issue than an Arducopter or Mauch issue. I would try posting your issue again in the Mission Planner (or APM Planner) forum. I’m not sure where the “Bat Remaining” percentage is calculated.
I think I solved the mystery. The current sensor was actually reading and recording fine, I could see it in flight logs. I was just basing myself off the 99% battery, which always showed that way because every time drone resets it think that’s peak battery. Also, since I wasn’t using MavLink telemetry, I never saw the percentage drop during flight - until I started using it. All is good, thanks for everyone’s input.