No connection between esp8266 and FC

Hi, does anyone have an idea why I have no connection between esp and FC? The menu in mission planner is not available. I can connect to the module’s WiFi network using smartphone and the module has software loaded in accordance with the Ardupilot instructions.

my hardware:
speedybee F4 v3
Adafruit esp8266

module RX to FC TX1
module TX to FC RX1

From ESP8266 wifi telemetry — Copter documentation:

If you have problems connecting, it may help to set BRD_SER1_RTSCTS = 0 to disable flow control although this is not normally necessary

How is your BRD_SER1_RTSCTS parameter looking?

The menu is only necessary if you want to use it in client mode, which you aren’t at the moment.

Apart from that everything else the connections and configuration look good to me…

Hi Fabian,

You can establish a WiFi connection to the “ArduPilot” access point and go to ?


There are reports here and there about fake chips. I had a few modules which I couldn’t make work as Ardupilot telemetry (although they worked in simple wifi tests), so the solution was getting the chips alone from a reliable source and…

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there are very similar parameters in mission planner but this exact one does not exist

I uploaded other software to ESP today and numbers started appearing. Does this mean that communication is working and the problem was faulty software?